The Executive Master in Sales and Marketing enables the development of an integrated view of the activities in charge of both the Sales and Marketing functions of companies.
These two cores enhance the strategic skills of operational management of the processes and levers of sales and marketing management and address its different issues: from the choices of structure and organization of the sales force to the development of employees, from the fundamentals of leadership in sales teams, to the main analyses for planning and evaluating sales performance.
Marketing Management is one of the main catalysts for the success of companies: not only through the implementation of effective promotional campaigns, but for the definition of target and buyer person to whom products or services should be addressed and their placement in the market in terms of pricing and sales channels.
Sales Management, on the other hand, aims to delve into the core issues for the organization and management of sales networks, so as to provide managers with the tools to manage a sales force that is increasingly prepared, motivated and capable of imagining new growth paths in the markets.
Delving into these two strands, the master’s program provides managers and professionals with highly specialized training thanks to a mixed faculty of Italian and international academics and business managers.
The 12-month program is divided into three modules (Analysis of Customer Value; Construction of Customer Value; and Delivery and Communication of Customer Value), organized over 28 classroom days in the weekend formula (Friday and Saturday), which allows you to simultaneously manage your work activity and investment in your personal and professional growth.
The face-to-face sessions are complemented by smart, in-distance evening meetings, useful for deepening the study during the platform weeks, devoting time to preparing case studies and addressing current issues as food for thought together with the dedicated lecturer.
Bologna Business School is EQUIS – EFMD Quality Improvement System accredited, one of the most important international quality assessment and continuous improvement systems for Schools of Management and Business Administration.
Fabio Ancarani
Scientific Director
" The possibility to combine the rigorous foundation of scientific research in sales and marketing management with continuous interaction with companies in their day by day activities. A rich and articulated learning mix which allows combining work with study and in-depth analysis. "
Roberta Gabrielli
Executive Director
" Defining a company's marketing and sales strategy is nothing without execution planning. For professionals in the classroom, the executive master's program represents a year-long journey to test themselves in both respects. "
The Master has a duration of 12 months for a total of 28 classroom days divided into 13 on-campus sessions (Friday and Saturday, every three weeks). To be added to the 13 on-campus sessions there are 2 Warm up and 1 concluding presentation day for the project works, to which the participating company representatives and the Master community are invited.
The Master is divided into 3 modules:
Each module includes courses, focus sessions, time with sales & marketing leaders, project work finalization meetings, and a final test. The content is structured to ensure the succession of activities and to allow participants to delve into each area in greater depth from time to time.
10 core courses. The program is structured to guarantee courses are performed in succession and to enable participants to immerse themselves in each and every area. The didactic program provides two additional courses, Digital Transformation and Business Sustainability, to understand market transformations.
14 evening Meetings online with representatives from companies and government, on subjects particularly relevant for people working on sales and marketing: International Marketing; Business Sustainability; Luxury and Experience Marketing; Marketing Plan; Big Data and Omnichannel; A.I. in Marketing; Negotiation Skills; H2H and Homo Influencer, Strategic and Corporate Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Cost Accounting for Sales, Challenger Sales, Business Competition.
7+ evening smart meetings meetings with the tutors of the courses to deepen the study in distance learning, dedicating themselves to the preparation of houses studies and addressing current issues as food for thought.
27 weeks of distance learning. Distance learning activities entail a weekly work-plan on the School’s e-learning platform that provides an individual learning activity overseen by a specific tutor. The platform is equipped with a Forum aimed at the real-time sharing of comments and follow-up between professors and participants.
1 one-day challenge involving participants in the solving a problem and the related presentation of their ideas.
Direct contact with managers and key players of important companies in their working environment represents a great opportunity for learning and networking. The company visit allows participants to interact with managers or entrepreneurs for an excellent experience of sales & marketing.
5+ meetings (on Fridays 5.30 – 7.30 pm) with prominent figures of the commercial environment, through dialogue and narration of the particularly relevant business experiences.
The project work concludes the each module and allows contextualization of the knowledge and tools acquired. It can be developed individually or in small teams. The project is a key benefit both for the participants and the companies. The project work is the activity that characterizes the program and allows to operatively deepen the knowledge, techniques and tools acquired.
In a simplistic way we could define artificial intelligence as the ability of a technological system to solve problems or carry out tasks and activities that are typical of the human mind and ability. Furthermore, thanks to the technological maturity they have developed, the Over The Top are fighting not just to incorporate innovative startups in the AI field, but also to start and support research projects and some of their results are already visible today (e.g. face recognition, voice applications, etc.). The aim of the course is to highlight the new trends that are affecting the market, and not simply for the applications directed to end consumers, but also for B2B businesses.
Boscato CristianoUntil recently, it would have taken a long time and a few million dollar mainframe would have been necessary to analyze a “mountain” of data (Small or Medium Data). Today, using a simple algorithm, that same information can be processed in a few hours. In recent years, big data and business intelligence have become increasingly important, in both the academic and economic communities. The aim of the course is to highlight the connection between big data and business intelligence, and the way in which this relationship affects the companies’ business model, with a specific focus on real business cases.
Boscato CristianoScenarios and Industry-Distribution relationship.
Trade marketing role and objectives.
The analyses on channels-customers.
Trade marketing strategies.
The actions on the leverages.
Business Marketing: the distinctive features of the ‘business-to-business’ markets.
Understanding customers.
The construction and transfer of value.
De Rose FrancescoEvery year, our society uses the amount of resources that it takes planet Earth a year and a half to regenerate. This and other global, empirical evidence items bring the topic of sustainability at the center of the economic, political and social debate. Recent studies have shown the way in which a sustainability-oriented management approach adopted by certain companies leads to a medium-long term competitive advantage versus competitors, a success achieved also thanks to the ability to innovate the business model and introduce measuring tools to monitor and manage at best the value creation process. The aim of the course is to start a debate on the possible ways to introduce sustainability policies and practices for companies. In particular, by way of case-studies and traditional lectures, the course will deal with three main topics: Business sustainability and triple bottomline; Sustainability-oriented innovation; Green business models.
Fazio ValeriaFrom the development of the brand to the management of crises, communication is part of every stage of the business strategy. Using the most recent research and features from the best current practices, the course is structured so to understand and manage internal and external communication processes. Topics that will be dealt with include the definition of messages, media planning, the relationships with the market players. Strategies and above-the-line means are compared and integrated with below-the-line initiatives.
Tomesani NicolaIn mature markets, characterized by a high competitive intensity, customer satisfaction, as a forerunner of loyalty and profitability, plays a central role in the construction of a successful business model. The aim of the course is to make participants aware of the main approaches and measurement tools for customer satisfaction currently utilized in advanced business contexts, as well as the related implementation procedures, highlighting the strong operational relationship existing between these methods and the marketing decision-making processes.
Marzocchi Gian Luca
The course provides participants with concepts and techniques to analyse the reference market. In particular, the course delves into the customer’s decision-making process, highlighting the reasons underlying the purchase decision, the development of decision-making attitudes and rules. Furthermore, the course aims at familiarizing participants with logics, methods and techniques at the basis of the development of a market research process. Marketing research provides for the development of questions that are relevant from a managerial viewpoint, for the collection and analysis of data and their interpretation. Statistical tools will be used in order to study and better understand the phenomena that are analysed and to provide a support to managers’ decisions. The curse aims at fostering the acquisition of the logics and mechanisms underlying the carrying out of a rigorous marketing research with the final objective of allowing participants to become “smart” buyers and users of market research activities and marketing studies.
Gabrielli RobertaThe growing spreading of technology in everyday life that we have witnessed in the last few years has created new consumers who are increasingly the protagonists of what could be defined as a “digital revolution”. This evolution forces companies to rethink their strategy. The course aims at providing methodological knowledge on the strategies and the digital activities that companies put in place in the planning and sales stages. In particular: how to create a digital campaign, how to reach a target audience and, most of all, how to measure results. The focus will be on search engines, social media and online reputation.
International Sales & Marketing between adaptation and standardization. How to select the international markets. Focus on BRICIS. Strategies to access international markets. Establishing a local network. Product, price, communication and branding for international markets. The research techniques to identify value for customers in BRICIS. The profile of the enterprise that takes into account customers’ needs in emerging markets.
Ancarani Fabio Guido UldericoThe course provides methods and tools for the on-going support to the management of strategic Customers for the company. Customer strategic analysis: customer classification based on profitability, potential and target identification indicators; the commercial action Plan: construction of short- and medium-term profitability objectives, activity planning and sales team management; the action “on the field”: the ‘win win’ management of negotiations with big customers; how to make the relationship last over time: tools to control and monitor service levels and customer satisfaction; the different organizational solutions to support different customers.
Ancarani Fabio Guido UldericoThe principles and models of customer experience, the latest and current frontier for competitive advantage, allow to make customers happier and therefore loyal. The seminar introduces a structured approach for the analysis, the planning and the setting up of a successful customer experience. From the research techniques for the consumption experience, a model is discussed in order to plan a memorable experience, consistently with the choices of brand management. Afterwards, also thanks to the use of real-life cases, the processes for the creation of a success experience are introduced. Lastly, the indicators to measure the performances of the investment in customer experience are analysed.
Manucci FilippoThe Marketing Management process: from the analysis of value for the customer to communication and delivery of value to the market. Analysis of the value for the customer: the customer value drivers. The construction of value for the customer: segmentation, targeting, positioning and definition of the value proposition. The measure of value for the customer and pricing choices. From the construction of value to value commutation: above and below the line communication. The distribution of value: go to market, sales and key account management. The marketing plan and the sales and marketing performance metrics.
Ancarani Fabio Guido UldericoFOCUS SESSION – This seminar aims to provide the tools to understand how to combine in the marketing plan every single element of marketing and Sales addressed during the master.
Alberti ElenaThe art of negotiation is now a prerequisite in any business setting. The course prepares to become highly effective negotiators, and is designed for those who want to get better results from their negotiations with clients, suppliers, and colleagues, and provides participants with new tools to enhance their negotiation skills.
De Rose FrancescoThe determination and management of the sales price between competition costs and value for customers. The customer-based price; how to measure the value perceived by the customer and define the price. From the definition to the management of price: differentiation of prices, versioning, price bundling and unbundling. How to avoid price wars: from price competition to value competition.
Ancarani Fabio Guido UldericoThe course focuses on the value creation process and it aims at providing methodological and practical knowledge on brand building and management activities, in its different types of relationship with the product and the company’s reputation. During the course the process of transforming the product into a brand and the relationship between innovation, development, product management and brand consolidation will be analyzed. The brand equity generation and the development of the purchasing experience will also be addressees, as well as the development and launch of new products. In parallel, the course will deal with service topics in B2B and B2C environments.
Lorenzini BarbaraThe topics covered will address the realm of sales, analyzing the dynamics among the different functions (marketing, sales, finance), so as to provide the real definitions of “Seller” and of “Challenger seller” and the increasingly competitive contexts they operate in. The course will focus on a current need, that of approaching markets and customers differently from the past, providing the tools to evolve from the relationship model to “micro manager/consultant” able to anticipate and meet the customer’s and the company’s demands. Finally, the course will deal with the management of the sales network in contexts of poor predictability, providing the tools to measure the network performance in the framework of effectiveness and efficiency.
Gisco AurelioThe great revolution in contemporary marketing moves from the centrality of the customer to the human being, with his or her needs, now intrinsically linked to values such as sustainability and social responsibility. From the rigid distinction between B2B and B2C (via B2B2C and BTP), marketing is looking at the customer as a person, as a human being with values of his own, who seeks companies that can understand and satisfy him through a mix of products and services.
Ancarani Fabio Guido Ulderico
The course enables a 360-degree view of the entire marketing strategy, regardless of the different products or divisions, and to convey to the organization’s key target audiences the distinctive features of its offerings compared to those of its competitors, uniquely in its marketing activities. The aim is to allocate its resources across a wide range of platforms and channels to increase sales and gain a sustainable competitive advantage within the corresponding market.
Alberti ElenaThis course aims to teach how to structure a Social Media Marketing Strategy to achieve business goals through the presidium of the main Social Networks.
The study methodology of the Master alternates classroom learning with distance learning activities on the School’s e-learning platform, which is constantly monitored by a specific tutor.
The distance learning activities entail a weekly work-plan on the School’s e-learning platform that provides an individual learning activity overseen by the specific tutor. The platform is equipped with a Forum aimed at the real time sharing of comments and follow-up between professors and participants.
Courses allow participants to study a single subject area, ensuring an effective path to progress.
The Master is held in two different locations: a physical one at Villa Guastavillani, home to the Bologna Business School in Bologna, and a virtual one, i.e. the e-learning platform. The professor holds an introductory class, evaluates the competency level of participants on a specific topic, and informs them about how to use the material they will find on the platform and the objectives of the course. During the following weeks the participants continue the course on the platform. Therefore, the learning path is linear, constantly monitored by the course tutor, who is always available for clarifications and follow-up. 8 hours of study per week are expected. Each Module concludes with a final test to evaluate the level of learning each candidate has achieved.
Faculty members at Bologna Business School work together offering outstanding teaching standards. An international and interdisciplinary approach is guaranteed by a joint team of distinguished national core professors, adjunct, visiting professors, guest speakers and top managers.
Elena Alberti
Managing Director and CFO
Penske Automotive Italy
Fabio Guido Ulderico Ancarani
Full Professor of Marketing
University of Bologna
Alessio Arcando
Board of Directors
Fondazione 3M
Cristiano Boscato
Francesco De Rose
Franchising Manager
Coop Italia
Valeria Fazio
Senior Manager
BDO Italia
Roberta Gabrielli
Senior Project Manager
Aurelio Gisco
Professor of Business Administration
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
Barbara Lorenzini
Marketing Consultant ad Adjunct Faculty
University of Bologna
Angelo Manaresi
Full Professor of Management
University of Bologna
Filippo Manucci
Global Senior Vice President Skincare, Hair & Personal Care
Gian Luca Marzocchi
Full Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behavior
University of Bologna
Gabriele Pizzi
Associate Professor of Marketing
University of Bologna
Nicola Tomesani
Consultant and Adjunct Professor of Economics and Business Management
University of Bologna
11 years
Daniela Facciani
Sales Manager Europe, Mack & Schuhle Italia Spa
EMSM (Ed. 2023/2024)
"I embarked on the Master's programme to address a professional and personal growth that I felt was needed. The course is undoubtedly demanding and challenging, requiring dedication and time, but it allowed me to pursue one of the goals I had from the outset: career growth, in a new company. I found a diverse and very stimulating class of colleagues, with lecturers, professors and experts from various fields who always encouraged discussion and a very fruitful exchange of ideas. The Master opens the mind, helps you step out of your comfort zone, towards new perspectives and great results! "
Jacopo Marinetto
Commercial Director, GOcar SAGL
EMSM (Ed. 2023/2024)
"The Master's programme represents an important opportunity to enrich professional skills, going beyond work experience. Through a demanding but very rewarding training course, knowledge is consolidated that prepares the candidate to face increasingly complex challenges. In addition to broadening vision and enhancing critical thinking, the course provides practical tools for taking an active role in the national management landscape. In addition, it offers valuable opportunities for confrontation with heterogeneous realities, enriching the store of knowledge and inspiring for future professional development."
Beatrice Vandelli
Digital Marketing Specialist, Lacote
EMSM (ed. 2022/2023)
"The Master's program proved to be a real boost in professional and personal growth; the information received from the lecturers is practical, applicable and comprehensive. Comparisons with colleagues, stimulated by team projects, are also crucial."
Matteo Resca
Direttore Commerciale Italia, Oikos
EMSM (ed. 2022/2023)
"The Master's program trains in a practical and effective way to aim for a strategic role in the company. It provides useful tools that can be applied in daily life. The interaction is fostered through frequent teamwork, and the sharing of mutual experiences creates the constant learning process. Personally, I was able to deepen and understand the potential of proper synergy between marketing and sales, learning indispensable techniques for setting effective business strategies."
Matteo De Angelis
Marketing & Communication, Valpharma Group
EMSM (ed. 2021/2022)
"Taking part in the Master requires a severe, determined and constant approach. Fundamental is the extraordinary relevance between what is taught in the classroom and the world of work. The exceptional mix of theory and experience shared by excellent teachers and by managers with national and international affairs allows you to transpose what you have learned to what happens immediately and is needed in the workplace. The Master represents an excellent personal investment to look to the future more safely and concretely."
Inesa Negollari
Marketing Manager, Podere Riosto Vini
EMSM (ed. 2021/2022)
"The Master is a challenging experience but very rich. It met my expectations for quality content, teachers, and method. In addition, it offers the opportunity to create a very stimulating network of relationships with colleagues from different sectors. "
Matteo Banchi
Business Development Manager, Angelo Po Grandi Cucine
EMSM (ed. 2021/2022)
"In a world where Sales & Marketing are increasingly compact dimensions, the Master is fertile ground for flowering transversal skills. Teachers of the highest level, guests from the best realities of the territory, and a heterogeneous class full of professionals with different skills have contributed to making the experience interactive, intense and stimulating. EMSM is an ambitious and challenging choice, the right path for the evolution of tomorrow's Managers."
Francesco Mariotti
Area Sales Manager, Marini
EMSM (ed. 2021/2022)
"A Master is an enlightening experience, capable of changing, humanly and professionally, a person's life. It is not just a question of ideas or concepts, but of approach, of a method, articulated in a path, which leads to critically review and evolve one's way of thinking and working. But the real added values of the Master are the comparison and continuous contact with other professionals, coming from the most disparate sectors, but who feel those exact needs for growth and openness."
Alessio Ossato
Export Manager, APAC Market, Acciaierie Valbruna Group
EMSM (ed. 2020/2021)
"After a degree in economics and nine years of work experience I felt the need to deal with other professionals, increase my knowledge and get out of the comfort zone. The offer of BBS was up to expectations. BBS has a very capable and dynamic team of professionals that even in pandemic time has been able to maintain excellent operating standards creating value through various online activities. Topics and lessons focused on marketing and sales alike. Interesting and heterogeneous class."
Marco Saltarelli
Sales Manager Italy - HSE Market, Ecol Studio
EMSM (ed. 2020/2021)
"An Executive Master in BBS is totalizing. To grasp all its power you need to let yourself be possessed by this experience: magically the necessary commitment, which is a lot, turns into a boost that raises the bar, taking you exactly where you want to go. The comparison is the main value of the path: the classroom pushes you and the teachers pull you in an international environment that broadens your horizons. Add awareness to your experience to make a difference."
Claudia Alpa
Marketing and Communication Manager, Aqua Lung Group
EMSM (ed. 2020/2021)
"In the course of your professional career there is often a time when you feel the need for a breakthrough or at least to give a boost to your growth. Even more in a year like 2020. After 14 years of experience in the marketing of multinationals, with EMSM I was able to deepen and update my skills, integrating the whole digital world and structuring my knowledge in the field of sales. The Master provides an overview of how the two worlds, marketing and sales, can interact and operate synergistically to get the best out of both."
Cristina Fazzini
Key Account Manager, D.A.EM
EMSM (Ed. 2019/2020)
"The Master was a demanding and motivating experience, one that gave me the opportunity to grow personally and professionally: one-way lectures with experienced instructors, business cases and a team pf passionate and ambitious colleagues. The perfect combination between qualitative and quantitative disciplines enables you to express your potential, honing inclinations and future ambitions."
Alberto Andrini
Strategic Marketing and Business Development Manager, CISA
EMSM (ed. 2019/2020)
"The Master gives you a concentrated injection of knowledge, experiences and challenges that go beyond any academic learning and they contribute to the development of the implementation of marketing theories from practice to common sense discipline."
Simone Maria Mulargia
Sales Area Manager and GKAM, Acma
EMSM (ed. 2018/2019)
"The Master is a deepening of the management issues in Sales and Marketing extremely concrete and current, with a quick response and application in B2B work. An important opportunity for growth and networking in the workplace."
Alberto Berton
Jr Marketing Manager, Abbott Diagnostics
EMSM (ed. 2016/2017)
"An “effective” experience, one that for sure leaves its mark on one's professional development. A suitably informal environment, the accurate choice of marketing & sales contents and a stimulating work-group are the winning ingredients of this Master's, that granted me the chance to move on to new opportunities within the company I work for."
Matteo Della Valle
Business Development Manager, GNV Grandi Navi Veloci
EMSM (ed. 2016/2017)
"This Master's is an extraordinary educational experience for one's own professional growth and consolidation. Each participant, thanks to their quality and determination, will play a remarkable role in the managerial fabric of our country over the next few decades. I would do it again, a hundred times."
Mario Orlando
Export Area Manager, VIMAR
EMSM (ed. 2016/2017)
"After an MBA in 2003 and years of experience in Export, I felt the need to attend a specific course on Sales & Marketing. I found what I was looking for, thanks to the continuous exchange in the classroom, thus further strengthening the specific skills of my job and, most of all, I benefited from the endless practical inputs that I was able to implement right away in my daily activity, with clear advantages for my customers and the company I work for."
Francesca Archilei
Food Animal Brand Manager Ruminants, Eli Lilly and Company, Elanco Italia
EMSM (ed. 2016/2017)
"A challenging educational route, one that allows us to open new windows for reflection on our daily work and stimulates professional and personal growth perspectives. The baggage of experience of each participant makes every edition of the course unique."
FTL Pricing Manager, Arcese Trasporti SpA
EMSM (ed. 2015/2016)
"Attending the Master's was a unique experience that allowed me to acquire fundamental skills, through the exchange and enhancement of differences. A year of personal and professional growth."
Business Development Manager, Irinox
EMSM (ed. 2015/2016)
"Developing ideas and projects through the international exchange, thanks to a challenging and stimulating journey, that brings out and strengthens the identity of each one of us."
Product Marketing, Automobili Lamborghini Spa
EMSM (ed. 2015/2016)
"A high added value experience that enriches the knowledge baggage in sales and marketing also creating an opportunity to exchange ideas, experiences and method."
Alessandra Merico
Corporate Key Account Manager, Vodafone Italia Spa
EMSM (ed. 2015/2016)
"The Master's was a worthwhile experience to look at my job from a different perspective and a useful tool to enrich my background and increase my professionalism and my market strategic vision."
Costanza Malservisi
Brand Marketing, Automobili Lamborghini
EMSM (ed. 2014/2015)
"An experience rich in helpful inputs that gave me knowledge, methods and ideas to grow in my profession."
Diego Perego, Paola Narcisi e Marco Visinoni
Area Sales Manager - Field Manager - Key Account Manager, Seat Pagine Gialle
EMSM (ed. 2014/2015)
"The Master Executive in Sales & Marketing is a unique occasion for those working in sales to enrich their Marketing baggage. And vice-versa."
Francesco Carullo
Area and Marketing Manager, Borghi
EMSM (ed. 2014/2015)
"Sound theoretical bases and many practical references, a rigorous method and innumerable suggestions on how to implement them. This is what I found and appreciated attending the Executive Master in Sales & Marketing."
Michele Pontecorvo
Communication and CSR Manager, Ferrarelle
EMSM (ed. 2014/2015)
"A training path to look at one's own company with new eyes, new ideas, and creating tangible value as an incentive for oneself and one's own team."
The Executive Master in Sales and Marketing is a master made of people, in which you create formal and informal opportunities for discussion, in order to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences among the participants. Networking is further developed between students of the same class, between participants and lecturers, as well as with students from other courses and with the School community.
In Company
Direct contact with managers and key players of important companies in their working environment represents a great opportunity for learning and networking. The company visit allows participants to interact with managers or entrepreneurs for an excellent experience of sales & marketing. Visits in previous editions took place at Babbi, Carpigiani, Casa Artusi, Dorelan, Gruppo Hera, Loccioni Group, Automobili Lamborghini, Maserati, 3M, Ducati Motor Holding, Culligan, Montenegro, Piaggio and Birex.
Leader’s Corner
The Executive Master in Sales and Marketing is characterized by constant interaction between the participants and prominent figures of the commercial environment, through dialogue and narration of the particularly relevant business experiences. These meetings have a double purpose: to create a direct contact on the basis of excellent experiences and stimulate reflection with respect to their managerial experience.
Key Speakers:
Meetings with the Master’s Alumni are planned to build a solid Community over time.
The Executive Master in Sales and Marketing is an ideal path for developing general management skills and the capacity for leadershop, chosen by many companies as a enhancement tool for their key resources or directly by managers and entrepreneurs whom have decided to invest personally in their own future.
Community and Career Development
During the Master, a series of seminars with head-hunters and HR managers are offered, to provide tools and resources to contribute to your career development and how to enter the job market in leadership positions.
Once the Master is ended, it is possible to join the activities dedicated to the Community, to further increase your own network. Furthermore, meetings open to the entire BBS Community are periodically scheduled with managers, entrepreneurs and guests, focusing on the different scenarios of a constantly evolving society and market.
The registration fee for the Master’s course on a company basis is 18.200 Euros + VAT.
The registration fee for the Master’s course on an individual basis is 15.200 Euros + VAT.
Reduced fee available for very early-bird enrollment.
The tuition fee includes:
For further information, please contact
Long-term and low-interest loan:
– Repayable in 10 years
– Reduced interest rate
– Possibility to postpone the 1st payment fee to 36 months
Companies that make investments in education 4.0 aimed at the acquisition or consolidation, by the company’s employees, of skills in the technologies relevant to the implementation of the process of technological and digital transformation can take advantage of the tax credit in 2022 provided by the “National Plan Enterprise 4.0”. For more information, click here .
Special terms are available thanks to Interprofessional Funds:
Fondimpresa funds training activities aiming at supporting product and/or process technological innovation for SME’s in the manufacturing industry. Click here for further information.
The Master is intended for managers with at least three years of working experience. Potential candidates have experience in companies who aspire to or operate in international markets or who wish to reinforce their commercial and sales networks. The Master is also open to freelance professionals and those with or without a degree (in the latter case at least 5 years of professional experience is required).
The selection process is done by an entry test, analyzing the Curriculum Vitae and by individual interviews, done in order to identify the professional profile of the candidate and its coherency with participation in the master. In order to access the selections of the Master it is necessary to fill out and send the Presentation Form to Candidates will be contacted for making an appointment for the entry test and the selection interview with the Directors of the Master.
The selection process consists of an interview with the Master’s Director, organised by the Program Manager upon candidate request and after sending of the Curriculum Vitae. The interview is not binding on enrollment.
The Program Manager can send a certificate of attendance record at the end of the didactic sessions to those that make a request, upon verification of the attendance.
In order to get admitted to the Master Executive, it is required to have a Bachelor’s Degree, however, a limited number of places are available for those who do not have a Bachelor’s Degree but that can demonstrate to have significant professional experience, to be evaluated during the assessment interview.
No, it is not. The Executive Masters are not University Masters, therefore they do not have ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), that in Italy are called “crediti formativi universitari (CFU).
At the end of the Master, a certificate of attendance (which includes the achieved results) and a Diploma of Participation (upon verification of successful completion of each course and of at least a 70% of class attendance) are issued.
No, because it is not a university Master.