Business Management – New Space Economy



The Master in Business Management – New Space Economy is designed to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving and highly technological sector, such as aerospace. Its goal is to train future managers capable of addressing the challenges of a market that combines manufacturing excellence, technological innovation, and the increasing application of artificial intelligence.

Full-time, 12-month program, taught entirely in English, this Master is aimed at individuals who wish to acquire strategic and operational skills in business models related to the New Space Economy, both for civilian and defense applications. Particular attention is given to small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the supply chains of major industry players, providing students with a comprehensive 360° view of the opportunities offered by this sector, both in Italy and internationally.

Addressing the challenges of the Space Economy means preparing professionals to operate in a strategic, technologically advanced, and constantly evolving sector. Bologna Business School meets this need through the Master in Business Management – New Space Economy, an interdisciplinary program that integrates managerial training with specialized knowledge of the aerospace industry. Thanks to partnerships with leading companies and an international faculty, the program provides concrete tools to understand and manage the dynamics of a highly innovative global market.



Young graduates with an excellent command of the English language who aspire to a managerial career in companies involved in satellite and space technology development. It is also ideal for those with a background in engineering, economics, or technical disciplines who wish to explore the opportunities offered by the aerospace transition.



Space Economy is a rapidly growing sector on a global scale, with significant impact on innovation and technological development. Through this program, participants can pursue roles such as Business Analyst, Brand and Product Manager, Business Developer, Innovation Manager, and Supply Chain Manager.

The top-tier education provided in the Space Economy sector creates highly sought-after professionals in a fast-expanding market. The Master in Business Management – New Space Economy represents the key to immediate and qualified entry into the job market. The skills acquired will enable graduates to actively contribute to value creation in both Italian and international companies operating in this field.

Innovating and building new connections between technology and business is an essential challenge: contact the Program Manager of the master’s program to start preparing for it today.


Bologna Business School provides student support services included in the tuition fee for the Master.


Programme Advisory Committee:

  • Massimo Monti – President, Consorzio il Biologico Soc. Coop.
  • Alberto Miraglia – General Manager, Retail Institute Italy
  • Franco Gabbrielli – Founder and CEO, Italian Fashion Partner srl
  • Lorenzo Scrimizzi – Former President , Carpigiani Japan
  • Patrick Romano – Managing Director, Bologna Welcome
  • Massimiliano Di Silvestre – Chief Executive Officer, BMW Italia
  • Baldo Scassellati Sforzolini – Global Head of R&D, Galderma
  • Giovanna Cenacchi – Full Professor, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna


QS Quacquarelli Symonds is the international network focused on services, analysis and in-depth reports of post-experience and university education, geared toward international mobility and career development. The QS Online MBA Ranking is based on insights from the business world and a methodology that allows programs to be evaluated according to four parameters: Faculty and Teaching, Class Profile, Employability and Class Experience.



Bologna Business School is EQUIS – EFMD Quality Improvement System accredited, one of the most important international quality assessment and continuous improvement systems for Schools of Management and Business Administration.

Angelo Manaresi

Angelo Manaresi

Director of Studies

CLASS PROFILE A.Y. 2024/2025



  • 25


  • 35%


  • 21


  • 67%



The Master in Business Management – Italian Premium Brands, is a full-time program structured in 1.500 hours of learning activities over 12 months of study, divided into: 360 hours of lecturing, an estimated 540 hours of independent study, and 600 hours of internship.

The structure of the Master is divided into:

  • First term: January 2026 – April 2026
  • Second term: May 2026 – July 2026
  • Internship: September 2026  – December 2026

The first term, the same for all the concentrations of the Master in Business Management, provides a 360° view of how a company works, delving into the processes, peculiarities and relations between internal and external stakeholders of all company departments.

The second term, specific to each concentration, provides knowledge and skills related to the world of Food & Wine through a multidisciplinary and practical approach. It includes 3 specific courses and 3 company project work, in close contact with local companies.

Following the lecture and project period, students start an internship, which may take place in companies or agencies in Italy or abroad. At the end of the internship, the student will submit a ‘Final Report’ to the Director of Studies, containing a description of the activities carried out and an analysis of the knowledge acquired during the classroom training period.

For international students, the School offers the opportunity to participate in an Italian language course during the classroom study period.

The Master is held on campus at Bologna Business School. Participation is about 30 hours per week structured in order to allow time to work in groups, while not neglecting individual students focus and management of interpersonal relationships.

In addition to the general Business Administration courses and the subjects related to the specific track, there are also

  1. a one-year Master Project, on the subject of business planning, carried out in groups;
  2. three Company Project Work, with companies lasting one month each, in May, June and July;
  3. testimonials from the business world such as BMmeetings;
  4. numerous activities related to the Personal Development Project. The A.Y. 2024/25 includes the following sessions:
  • Start up and Business Planning with Claudio Venezia, CEO & Founder Officina Startup
  • Excel for Business with Alsid Peqini and Gilberto Cavallina Faculty BBS
  • Export Management with Gerardo Famiglietti, International Sales Manager Endura S.p.A.
  • Trade Marketing with Marco Repezza, Marketing Director Italpizza
  • Doing business in Japan with Lorenzo Scrimizzi, Representative Director Carpigiani Japan
  • Doing business in South East Europe and Western Balkans with Tanja Mirchewska, Professor UKIM Skopje
  • Doing business in Latin America with Anna Lanzani, Certified coach & consultant
  • Brand experience with Federica Sovrani, Account Project Manager Yu Retail
  • International Marketing with Giampiero Giunta, Brand Director Procter & Gamble
  • Team Builiding and Leadership with Alessandro Finelli, Professional Basketball Coach
  • Public speaking with Massimo Franceschetti (Faculty BBS) and Lisa Marie Gelhaus (Co-fondatrice e CEO WordWorks)
  • Negotiation techniques with Francesco De Rose (Manager Franchising and Small Cooperatives Coop Italia) and Marco Repezza (Marketing Director Italpizza)
  • Communcation Skills for a Manager with Eugenio Morselli, Faculty BBS


Il corso di Digital Marketing si pone l’obiettivo di fornire le conoscenze necessarie per implementare con successo una strategia di marketing che preveda l’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie informatiche, analizzando i bisogni del cliente, la comunicazione d’impresa e la vendita. Verrà proposto un approccio principalmente quantitativo per la misurazione dell’efficacia delle attività di Digital Marketing che trovano una naturale applicazione nel contesto online (e.g. Social Media, E-commerce, Direct Marketing), non trascurando però l’applicazione delle nuove tecnologie anche in ambito offline (e.g. Apps e Mobile Marketing nel contesto del Retailing moderno). Al termine del corso, ci si attende che gli studenti abbiano acquisito un elevato grado di conoscenza dei principali strumenti utilizzabili nell’ambito del Digital Marketing che consenta loro di: definire e implementare una strategia di Digital Marketing coerente; selezionare gli strumenti più appropriati in base agli obiettivi strategici; monitorarne l’efficacia tramite rigorose procedure analitiche.

Corporate sustainability and the circular economy are currently among the most discussed topics internationally, also due to climate change. The aim of the course is to understand why these issues are of such importance, underlining their urgency. We will learn more about the innovation activities of operational and system processes that companies adopt to implement strategies aimed at the Circulary Economy and the transition to a low carbon business model.

Foschi Eleonora

The evaluation of how economically sound a project or investment is, determining the value of a company, understanding the fiscal variables which determine an optimal financial structure. Corporate governance, venture capital and the main issues inherent to the listing of companies on the stock exchange. The functions of the principle derived tools and their use when covering financial risks of the company.

Baschieri Giulia

Introduzione sulla ricerca di marketing: analisi descrittive. Utilizzo di probabilità e test di ipotesi nella ricerca di marketing. Design e sviluppo di tecniche finalizzate alla raccolta di dati primari. Analisi dei dati: regressione. Segmentazione e tecniche di clustering. Mappe percettive e posizionamento.

Dal business model al piano operativo di marketing. I fondamentali strumenti concettuali e quantitativi necessari per comprendere, analizzare e costruire le relazioni che un’impresa stabilisce con il proprio mercato: la centralità del cliente, lo studio dei comportamenti d’acquisto, i processi di segmentazione e posizionamento, lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti e la diffusione dell’innovazione, le decisioni di prezzo, distribuzione e comunicazione.

Il corso sviluppa le tematiche inerenti la gestione dei materiali lungo la filiera, dai fornitori ai canali distributivi. A questo proposito hanno un ruolo essenziale le decisioni gestionali e organizzative inerenti i rapporti con le imprese esterne con cui ci si relaziona che costituiscono l’argomento focale del corso. Nell’analizzare le relazioni verticali tra le imprese si cercherà di sviluppare: la sensibilità verso l’mportanza strategica delle relazioni; le conoscenze tecniche e gestionali necessarie per affrontare le decisioni in materia; le competenze organizzative necessarie per gestirle.

This course focuses on the main components of accounting, budgeting and cost analysis. In addition the course will train students on how to analyze economic-financial forecasts and budgets as well as understand the measurement and interpretation of the economic-financial performance of the company. Calculation and analysis in decision-making, management supervision, strategic control and strategic cost management will also be explored.

Ferri Paolo

The course aims to introduce students to the most relevant issues (foundational and more advanced) of digital technologies, discussing the most important present and future consequences on the lives of individuals and on the structure and functioning of organizations and processes. The course consists of 5 seminars: Ai & Machine Learning, All-in Security, Cloud & Beyond, The Science of Data, Internet of Things.

The course examines the regulatory frameworks that govern industries and supply chains, with a focus on the role of government policies and regulations. Students will explore how governments shape industry practices, enforce contracts, and address issues such as trade, competition, and sustainability within supply chains. The course also delves into the complexities of industry-specific regulations, the legal aspects of supply chain contracts, and how these regulations influence global and local business operations. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the balance between regulation, industry needs, and government influence in modern economies.

Masutti Anna

The course focuses on the management of innovation and industrial strategies. Students will learn how companies can develop and implement innovative processes to enhance competitiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. The program explores business models, emerging technologies, and management practices to address global challenges and promote change within industries. Participants will be prepared to tackle the challenges of modern industry and lead innovative projects in dynamic business environments.

Giuri Paola

The course focuses on the management of resources, policies, and technologies in the space sector. Students will gain skills in managing space projects, analyzing business models, global policies, technological innovations, and sustainability within the space industry. The course prepares participants for a career in space project management, working with both public and private entities in a rapidly evolving market.

Learning approach

The Master’s program is designed to provide a solid theoretical basis, immediately complemented by practical applications, to prepare students to confidently and competently enter the job market. The teaching activities are designed to be practical and experiential, promoting effective learning and comprehensive assessment by the instructors.

The program combines lectures, business case studies, group work and company presentations, offering an interactive approach. Additionally, master lectures delivered by experts from the business, academic, and political areas, along with numerous opportunities to engage with companies through the analysis of case histories, further enrich the learning experience.


Faculty members at Bologna Business School work together offering outstanding teaching standards. An international and interdisciplinary approach is guaranteed by a joint team of distinguished national core professors, adjunct, visiting professors, guest speakers and top managers.


Ensuring employability is one of the School’s main objectives, with a strong commitment to its Career Service, which works to align students’ professional aspirations with the needs of the aerospace sector. Through systematic support and guidance, the internship becomes a crucial springboard: on average, over 90% of students from BBS Full-time Master’s programs secure employment within six months of completing the program.

The BBS Career Service assists and supports students since the very beginning, along a training and professional development path. This is accomplished by organizing a series of workshops, with the aim of providing the fundamental tools and resources to be appropriately prepared for the labor market.

To achieve this goal, students are involved in several workshops, among which we may list:

  • Writing a CV and a Cover Letter
  • How to create an effective Linkedin profile
  • How to prepare for a job interview

In addition to this, thanks to the collaboration with professional career counselors, students receive a customized service, in order to understand their strengths and to build a professional development plan, which will turn out to be helpful when looking for an internship. Here follow some of the activities:

  • Initial guidance interviews
  • Specific interviews, focused on one’s own career plan
  • Continuous support to students with one – to – one sessions

Moreover, companies support the students of the Master in Business Management – New Space Economy through scholarships, professional opportunities, career fairs, and corporate testimonials.



The tuition fee for the Master is 13.800 euros (VAT free) to be paid in three installments:

  • First installment: 1.850 euros
  • Second installment: 7.000 euros
  • Third installment: 4.950 euros

The fee includes participation in the Master, all the study material available through the online platform, and access to the services and facilities of Alma Bologna Business School. Furthermore, the fee gives participants the right to take advantage of the supporting activities of the School, such as the language courses and the master lectures by invitation. Free parking is also available within the BBS campus.

Additionally, with the Student Card of the University of Bologna, students have access to all of the university facilities, including over 100 libraries, digital resources and study halls (including databases and online subscriptions) and all university student related discount offers. More information is available on the site of the University of Bologna: :


For more information on honor loan, contact us by email:


Bologna Business School is pleased to make partial scholarships available to the most deserving students. The scholarships will be awarded based on merit to students who occupy the highest positions in the selection process. The top ranked students will be those who have not only a solid academic and/or professional background, but also those who have demonstrated the most motivation to participate in the course. Winners will be notified at the time of admission.


In order to be admitted to the Master’s course you must have:

  • Bachelor’s degree (obtained within the closing date of enrollment of the selection round in which you participate)
  • Excellent level of English

The admission to the Master is subject to the positive evaluation of the selection test in line with the number of places available. The selection process, held online, consists of one Aptitude Test and one English Language Test, both prerequisites to be admitted to the motivational interview in English.


1. Register on “Students Online” by connecting to the site
2. Select > First Level Master > Master in Gestione d’Impresa/Business Management.
3. Pay the participation fee for the selection (60 euro)
4. Upload the required documents online:

  • Curriculum Vitae in English
  • Motivational letter in English
  • Letters of reference in English (optional)
  • Photograph of recognition
  • Concentration Form
  • Front and back copy of a valid ID or passport
  • If available, a GMAT/GRE certificate with a score above 550 (GMAT) or equivalent (GRE). Applicants uploading this certificate are exempted from the written aptitude test as part of the admission process.
  • If available, an English language certificate (TOEFL, IELTS or CAMBRIDGE) attesting a minimum English level of B2 in the European framework. Applicants uploading this certificate are exempted from the written English test as part of the admission process.
  • For degrees obtained in Italy: Self-certification of Bachelor’s degree with details of exams taken and relative grades
  • For degrees obtained abroad: Dichiarazione di Valore (to be requested at the Italian Embassy in the country where the degree was obtained) or Diploma Supplement (to be requested at the university where the degree was obtained). In the event that the candidate is unable to obtain the Dichiarazione di Valore or Diploma Supplement at the time of enrollment, he/she may temporarily replace it with a Conditional Enrollment Form, which will be sent after enrollment by

For further guidance, students who obtained a bachelor’s degree abroad are encouraged to check the page below:

For information regarding the selection process, please download the Call for Application and the related attachements.






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