MBA Hybrid Online


The MBA Hybrid Online is a path designed to accelerate the professional growth of middle management or technical profiles, who wish to broaden their vision, acquire the managerial and leadership skills needed to lead a business area, become a comprehensive consultant and improve business performance through a systemic approach.

Created for vertical profiles who desire transversal training, for professionals who need careful time management, the Hybrid MBA is a flexible program that combines online didactic sessions, indispensable for balancing work, private life, and study, with on-campus events, able to enhance personal interaction, direct contact with lecturers and the School, and to expand one’s personal network.

Built on 10 core and 4 transversal courses, this MBA is able to provide broad knowledge, precise tools, and skills required for a managerial career. In addition to the Distance Learning courses, there are the Hybrid Masterclass: didactic sessions with executives to discuss the most concrete and contemporary topics such as Digital Marketing, Industry 4.0, and more; Interpersonal Communication, Mentoring with top managers to enhance leadership skills.

The innovative formula of the Master, with 4-hour teaching sessions every Wednesday evening plus a Friday afternoon and Saturday morning every three weeks, also includes two on-campus Smart Weeks dedicated to Company Visits, Hackathon with companies, and Business Games.

The MBA Hybrid Online is the perfect MBA for those who want to combine study and work, without losing the fundamental human aspect: contact, exchange, and networking.



QS Quacquarelli Symonds is the international network focused on services, analysis and in-depth reports of post-experience and university education, geared toward international mobility and career development. The QS Online MBA Ranking is based on insights from the business world and a methodology that allows programs to be evaluated according to four parameters: Faculty and Teaching, Class Profile, Employability and Class Experience.




Bologna Business School is EQUIS – EFMD Quality Improvement System accredited, one of the most important international quality assessment and continuous improvement systems for Schools of Management and Business Administration.

Franco Visani

Franco Visani

Academic Director

" A program that features the flexibility of online sessions and the possibility of on-campus interaction. "


The flexibility of the online sessions and the possibility of interacting on-campus characterize the study methodology of the MBA Hybrid Online.

Core and cross-cutting courses

10 core courses and 4 cross-cutting courses that provide the necessary skills and knowledge for managerial careers.

Hybrid Masterclass

Teaching sessions held by experts aimed analyzing in depth the impact of digital transformation on the business. Topics such as Digital Marketing, Industry 4.0, Smart-Working Management and Business Analytics will be addressed.

Distance Learning

The online platform is an integral part of the program. It contains the teaching modules and exercises to test what is being learned. It allows interaction between participants, faculty and tutors thanks to dedicated forums and chats.

Crash Course in Economics and Accounting

Before the start of the core courses, two pre-courses allow those who need to consolidate their economic background, to acquire general economic knowledge and specifically the economic business terms necessary for communicating in a company.

Mentoring, leadership and soft skills

Participants will be guided, individually and collectively, to foster interaction and understand the rationale of team-building. A manager from a large company will advise participants by way of a direct Mentoring, leadership and soft skills activity.

Smart Week

The Master features two on-campus smart weeks, lasting three days each.

The first smart week, that will take place halfway through the Master, is characterized by:

  • company visit (one day)
  • hackathon organized with companies (one days)
  • strategic talks held by managers or entrepreneurs (one day)

The second smart week will close the program and comprises:

  • company visit (one day)
  • Business Game and entrepreneurial speeches (two days)


The Business Strategy course delves deeper into the company’s decision-making process, the planning approach and the search for the target competitive positioning in changing contexts. It provides logical tools for the understanding of the competitive environment and competitive dynamics, of the value generation process and the role played in this field by the internal resources and expertise and the relationships with other players.

Cinti Luciani Andrea
Lipparini Andrea

The use of economic and financial information to manage competitive advantage. Models for the analysis of economic and financial performance. Parameters for the valuation of the profitability of a company. Financial sustainability for the tax performance of a company. Strategic sustainability of a company’s performance. Economic and financial benchmarking. Budget analysis for the management of vendor client relations. Strategic control systems and performance monitoring (Balanced Scorecard). Simulation techniques for economic and financial performance. Performance management.

Visani Franco

The cross-sectionality of the logistics function and the value chain. Design and planning of the production system layouts. Management and forecasting of market demand. General criteria of programming and audit of production. Procurement and management of inventory and consumable materials. Evolution of just in time systems: from lean production to lean thinking. Automation of the information flow: from barcode to RFID technologies. Management of physical distribution.

Barbieri Paolo
Gherardi Giuseppe

The construction of the market position requires, first of all, the knowledge and the accurate management of the perception of the value for the customer. This implies understanding the logic that governs the purchasing and development processes of the reference markets. Starting from the examination of these aspects, the course explores the processes related to the articulation of strategic marketing plans and their implementation in different sectorial and environmental contexts.

Ancarani Fabio Guido Ulderico
Zammit Alessandra

The course provides a framework for understanding and analysing investment and financial decisions of corporations. Lectures and readings provide an introduction to present value techniques, capital budgeting, capital structure decisions, corporate cost of capital, initial and seasoned equity offerings and an introduction to corporate risk management.

Baschieri Giulia
Carosi Andrea

The course aims to provide participants the knowledge and instruments related to organization and management of projects, with a particular focus on agile methodology. The subjects analyzed include project planning and control (timing, costs, and technical progress); project organization, the role of project manager and the management of the team; risk management; and management of a project portfolio.

Grandi Alessandro

The construction of a sales network. The selection and motivation of the sellers. Evaluating of sales projections. The management of the customer portfolio. The construction of the incentive system. The economic and financial assessments for the sales manager. Key Account Management.

Cofano Annamaria

Digital transformation is a complex process at the intersection of strategy, technology, and organization. The course aims to address these three elements both individually—by delving into them through case studies and reviewing practical tools—and by exploring the strong interdependencies among them.

Throughout the lessons, various approaches to transformation will be presented, aiming to cover the full spectrum of strategic options—both internal and external—including guest speakers with significant experience in the field of innovation.


Folonari Giuseppe

Working in a global, uncertain and complex world requires a new managerial play book that allows you to bring together agile organizations and people’s engagement. In the course, starting from what neurosciences have taught us about how people “work”, we will decline an innovative way of people management that can help us, even at the cross-cultural level, to improve the drivers of the performance.

Ghini Massimiliano
  • The business plan: structure and contents
  • Defining the value proposition of products/services
  • Developing the different types of plans
  • The economic-financial feasibility data
  • Formalizing and communicating the business plan
Di Marco Paolo
What does Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) mean in a business context?
The course focuses on the ethical and business value of D&I (internal and external), using case studies, best practices, international researches and data of the Diversity Brand Index (the first Italian research regarding the business value of D&I).

Every year our society uses the resources that the planet Earth takes about a year and a half to regenerate. This and other empirical evidence of global significance bring the theme of sustainability to the center of the economic, political and social debate. Recent studies show that a sustainability-oriented management approach adopted by some companies leads to a medium-long term competitive advantage over competitors, a success achieved thanks to the ability to innovate the business model and introduce measurement tools to monitor and better manage the value creation process. The course aims to launch a debate on how to introduce sustainability policies and practices within companies.

Zanni Sara

Le lectures su Visioning & Mentoring sono un laboratorio di condivisione di esperienza manageriale e di discussione del ruolo che le competenze trasversali e le soft skills – attitudini personali, comportamenti e socialità – giocano nell’affermazione personale e nella costruzione di una carriera professionale.

Si affrontano temi quali le competenze emotive, relazionali e cognitive, il feedback, il performance management, lo sviluppo professionale e la gestione di quelle situazioni ambigue e paradossali che ci mettono fuori dalla nostra area di comfort e si affrontano con strumenti che non si imparano sui banchi di scuola, ma su quelli della vita.

Artificial Intelligence e Machine Learning for Business

Lo sviluppo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale e del Machine Learning come supporto alle decisioni aziendali sta diventando una realtà per molte aziende. Il Digital Talk affronta le opportunità di tale approccio, per differenti tipologie di aziende e processi.

Industry 4.0

Lo sviluppo dell’Industry 4.0 porta il digital nello stabilimento, fornendo opportunità prima impensate, grazie alla disponibilità di dati e alla possibilità di elaborarli. Il Digital Talk presenterà le principali opportunità e criticità applicative dell’Industry 4.0.


Il Fintech sta modificando efficienza ed efficacia di molti servizi finanziari, sia per gli individui che per le aziende. Il Digital Talk ne approfondisce i principali filoni di sviluppo e i principali vantaggi che può determinare in ambito aziendale.

Digital Marketing

L’avvento dei social network ha completamente rivoluzionato il modo di approcciare il proprio mercato attuale e potenziale. Il Digital Talk approfondirà l’argomento, chiarendo il potenziale di crescita che il Digital Marketing può garantire.

Smartworking and new organizational models

Lo Smartworking è entrato nella vita di molti di noi senza che fosse programmato. E’ qui per rimanere o solo per gestire un’emergenza? Quali i vantaggi e i limiti di applicabilità di questo approccio al lavoro ancora insolito per molti di noi?

The team building experience as a training tool to enhance the relationship and trust for the purpose of good teamwork. The course contents analyze how people and groups interact within a company. The aim is to develop knowledge and tools to manage people in the workplace, in terms of quality such as good and psychological well-being.

Franceschetti Massimo

Target audience




  • 35


  • 8 years



Luca Venturi

Country Sales Manager Italia, Langmatz Gmbh
Hybrid MBA (Ed. 2020/2021)

"The MBA in BBS is a challenging path that continually stimulates and excites. The preparation and availability of the teachers allow to acquire concepts, notions and tools to read and face an increasingly complex world at 360 degrees. The Hybrid formula is perfect for combining professional and personal needs and optimizes time management. ""

Elisa Oppici

Direttore Generale, Medlavitalia S.r.l. e Forsafe S.r.l.
Hybrid MBA (Ed. 2020/2021)

"The Master represents a real burst of energy! The "Hybrid" formula of BBS allows me to better reconcile the times of personal, work and training life and is structured in such a way as to maximize and enhance the strengths of a mainly online path: "digital" is well harmonized with objectives and both personal and group needs, without making you regret the size of the classroom alone! Expectations have been exceeded!"

Giuseppe Marrazzo

Project Engineering Manager, Titagarh Firema Spa
Hybrid MBA (Ed. 2020/2021)

"Participation in the Master creates the same sensations as building something with your hands that leaves you satisfied, with the passing of the months you are more and more aware that you are experiencing something unique and unrepeatable. The environment, the lessons, the working groups and the teachers represent an opportunity to be lived without hesitation and, at the same time, with a lot of curiosity and desire to get involved."

Valentina De Leo

Store Manager
Hybrid MBA (Ed. 2020/2021)

"The master gave me the opportunity to undertake a real professional growth thanks to the skills and knowledge acquired."

Jessica Galantucci

Responsabile Commerciale e Management Team Member, M.D. Micro Detectors di Modena
Hybrid MBA (Ed. 2020/2021)

"Hybrid MBA is for me the possibility of being able to realize my educational and professional ambition in a simple, absolutely complete and structured way. Hybrid training has allowed me to strengthen and increase my skills thanks to a team of motivated and impeccably trained teachers and professionals."

Gianluca Dal Santo

Responsabile di Produzione
Hybrid MBA (Ed. 2020/2021)

"Hybrid MBA was first of all a challenge to myself. The difficulties encountered along the way, however, have all been amply rewarded with the satisfaction of knowing many professionals and being able to deepen company issues that were previously little known. Enriching, motivating and prestigious are the adjectives that best sum up my experience in BBS"

Martina Montinaro

Research and Development Manager, DFV S.r.l.
Hybrid MBA (Ed. 2020/2021)

"The Master is a challenging path that allows me to complete and expand my technical-scientific preparation by providing me with the tools to break down and analyze the company system in its various dimensions, enhancing my managerial vision skills. The professionalism of the teachers and the sharing with the other participants make the path rich and exciting and the hybrid format increases its potential and amplifies its advantages."

Lorella Martini

Commerciale, Softintime srl
Hybrid MBA (Ed. 2020/2021)

"A complete journey within the Company system, where information reassembles the puzzle and each piece is fundamental. You realize how your role takes on a different meaning and it is up to you now to decide what contribution to make. But also a journey into oneself, one's abilities and fears, the relationship with others, again an important opportunity to grow."


The MBA Hybrid Online gives participants the opportunity to engage with cutting-edge businesses through on-campus activities.


Many companies have chosen the MBA Hybrid Online as the best route to enhance their talents, because it completes their managerial vision and greatly improves their performance in the company.

In recent editions among other partners, we also worked with:


Programme Advisory Committee

  • Alessandro De Pestel – CMO, Under Armour
  • Alfredo Gamberini – Managing Director & Founder, JP.N
  • Armin Zadakbar – CEO , The Armin Bar
  • Carlo Salizzoni – Trasformation Director, Apleona Italy 
  • Carmelo Bonaccorso – Direttore BU Energia e Patrimonio, MUNICIPIA 
  • Cinzia Angeli – Senior Manager, P&G
  • Erica Fiorentini – Senior Corporate Relationship Manager, Bnl – Bnp Paribas
  • Eugenio Sidoli – CEO, Max Mara
  • Federico Tassi – Managing Director, Iceteam 1927 (Carpigiani)
  • Francesco Millo – Strategy Business Development & Marketing Director, TESYA Group
  • Francesco Pisano – CEO Europe, Beckett Thermal solutions
  • Federico Zambelli Hosmer – Founder,Board Member & CBO, BKN301
  • Gabriella Carrozza – Manager, Accenture
  • Josè Cartellone – Owner, Grupo Benicio
  • Leyla Osmanova – CEO & Founder, Centro di Diagnosi Molecolare delle Allergie
  • Michele Perozzi – Operations Director, Laminam
  • Nicola Gualandi – Retail & Advertising Manager, Aeroporto Bologna
  • Paolo Avvanzini – Direttore Industriale, Scrigno


During the Master, a series of seminars with head-hunters and HR managers are offered, to provide tools and resources to contribute to your career development and how to enter the job market in leadership positions.

Once the Master is ended, it is possible to join the activities dedicated to the Community, to further increase your own network. Furthermore, meetings open to the entire BBS Community are periodically scheduled with managers, entrepreneurs and guests, focusing on the different scenarios of a constantly evolving society and market.

“The Hybrid MBA is the answer to the evolving businesses ecosystem, where managers, entrepreneurs and talents are looking for liquid connections, flexible structures, physical and digital systems”.

Lucia Chierchia, Managing Partner, Gellify and Adjunct Professor, Bologna Business School


“A Mentor helped me to understand the corporate world, made me discover my strengths and supported me to design a path in order to become CEO”.

Eugenio Sidoli, Managing Director, Max Mara



The registration fee for the Master’s course on a company basis is 25,200 Euros + VAT.

The registration fee for the Master’s course on an individual basis is 19,800 Euros + VAT.


Reduced fee available.

For further information, please contact


The registration allows to:

  • Access to the Moodle platform and teaching materials
  • Participation to the BBS Community events
  • Wi-Fi
  • Access to the AIDA database for companies



Companies that make investments in education 4.0 aimed at the acquisition or consolidation, by the company’s employees, of skills in the technologies relevant to the implementation of the process of technological and digital transformation can take advantage of the tax credit in 2022 provided by the “National Plan Enterprise 4.0”.  For more information, click here.


Long-term and low-interest loan:

– Repayable in 10 years
– Reduced interest rate
– Possibility to postpone the 1st payment fee to 36 months

For more information please, mail




The Master is mainly intended for people whom are already experts in a professional position but who desire to extend their skill-set to include other functions and tools aiding in management decisions.

The Master is open to graduates with more than 3 years of professional experience and non-graduates, who are required to have at least 5 years of work experience.


The admission process consist of:

  • Entry Test: 30 minutes online
  • Assessment Interview: 30 minutes online or on site

To gain access to the selections for the Master, write to


The selection process consists of an interview with the Master’s Director, organised by the Program Manager upon candidate request and after sending of the Curriculum Vitae. The interview is not binding on enrollment.

The Program Manager can send a certificate of attendance record at the end of the didactic sessions to those that make a request, upon verification of the attendance.

In order to get admitted to the Master Executive, it is required to have a Bachelor’s Degree, however, a limited number of places are available for those who do not have a Bachelor’s Degree but that can demonstrate to have significant professional experience, to be evaluated during the assessment interview.

No, it is not. The Executive Masters are not University Masters, therefore they do not have ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), that in Italy are called “crediti formativi universitari (CFU).

At the end of the Master, a certificate of attendance (which includes the achieved results) and a Diploma of Participation (upon verification of successful completion of each course and of at least a 70% of class attendance) are issued.

No, because it is not a university Master.





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