
Annamaria Cofano
Italy Managing Partner WeDoLab Adjunct Faculty
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Annamaria Cofano is the co-founder of the strategic consulting firm WeDoLab, specializing in Marketing and Sales Management.
She has been collaborating with Bologna Business School since 2010, where she teaches Sales Management in the Part-Time MBA and Hybrid MBA programs and serves as the Operational Director of the Open Program in Sales Management.
Before starting her consulting career, she gained extensive corporate experience in both multinational companies and SMEs, specializing in consumer goods. Her interests range from Brand Management to Trade Marketing to Key Account Management.
She has also been an adjunct professor of Marketing Management and International Marketing at the University of Bologna. She holds a degree in Economics and Commerce and attended the Marketing Laboratory at Profingest.


The construction of a sales network. The selection and motivation of the sellers. Evaluating of sales projections. The management of the customer portfolio. The construction of the incentive system. The economic and financial assessments for the sales manager. Key accounting management.

MBA Evening

The construction of a sales network. The selection and motivation of the sellers. Evaluating of sales projections. The management of the customer portfolio. The construction of the incentive system. The economic and financial assessments for the sales manager. Key Account Management.

MBA Hybrid Online