Sustainability Transition Management

2020 pandemic has changed our work habits and our lives. To face this global challenge, it is much needed to maintain the focus on sustainability, to help transition from the tragic reality of the coronavirus outbreak and all the social problems it has revealed to a much better future where individuals, companies and institutions work together to enhance societal and natural well-being.

The Executive Master in Sustainability Transition Management has the aim to equip executives with operational tools and strategic knowledge in order to develop their professional career internationally in the global sustainability arena.

The Program is rooted in the Sustainable Transition framework, defined as a set of processes of change, which occur during the course of one or more generations, which fundamentally modify the structural characteristics of society: transition in industry, energy, urban systems, agriculture and mobility. The programs will focus on all these five pillars, thus providing participants with a systemic view of how sustainability can be translated into tangible economic, environmental and social outcomes.

The Executive Master in Sustainability Transition Management is a 12-months online program, with teaching sessions hold two evenings a week (i.e. Tuesday and Thursday. 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. CET) and few Saturday mornings during the year (10:00 a.m. – 1 p.m. CET). Each online session lasts about three hours and combines lectures, case discussions, team-working among participants and sustainability transition dialogues with though leaders in the field.  Thanks to a smart formula, you will be able to combine work and private life while attending the Master.

The program will also include an in presence three-day study tour in Italy in April 2025, where participants will experience how leading companies in the automotive, packaging, renewable energy, and food industries are heading towards sustainability transition.

Finally, in order to provide a fully customized learning experience, each participant will be paired with a professional mentor, expert in the sustainability area, which will support the professional development of each student during the Master and the development of the final project work.

Italy represents the right place to improve your skills on sustainability transition and develop a new mindset ready for the “new normal”.

Key facts:

• The University of Bologna ranks 1st in EU and 6th in the world in sustainability (The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, ed.2020).

• Bologna will host the new European Weather Forecast Data Centre of the ECMRW

• Data science for sustainability represents a core capability of the Bologna business ecosystem

• Italy ranks 1st in EU with +25% growth rate of companies that implement sustainability practices and 2nd (after Luxembourg) in resource efficiency outcomes.

• The Italian energy giant Enel Green Power is one of the largest renewable-energy companies in the world, with 46 gigawatts of installed capacity.

• The clean technologies market in Italy is around 30 billion euros.




Bologna Business School is EQUIS – EFMD Quality Improvement System accredited, one of the most important international quality assessment and continuous improvement systems for Schools of Management and Business Administration.

Matteo Mura

Matteo Mura

Scientific Director

" There are no alternatives to sustainability. The companies that understood this have achieved better performances. This Executive Master is created to train professionals capable of rethinking the value creation process within the company in line with the transition to low CO2 emissions, the circular economy and the SDGs. "


The study methodology is characterized by the flexibility of online sessions integrated by a 3-day study tour on campus. This format allows you to compare yourself with teachers and international partners.

Core courses:

15 online core courses that provide specific skills and knowledge to guide the sustainable transition in the company.

Smart Week:

3 days on campus (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) a study tour which will include company visits, testimonials and networking activities.

Sustainable Dialogue:

meetings with Senior Managers aimed at telling managerial experiences.


individual activity that allows participants to develop their potential and abilities to the maximum with the aim of improving their performance in the company. Mentors are BBS Alumni who will support students throughout the learning process.

Project Work:

The project work allows you to contextualize the knowledge and tools acquired. It can be developed individually or in small groups.

Leadership Talk:

Inspirational Speech with relevant personalities in the field of Sustainability and Circular Economy.

Distance Learning:

The online platform is a structural part of the program. It contains didactic modules, exercises to test learning and allows interaction between participants, teachers and tutors through forums and dedicated chats.




The course will provide an overview of critical global standards and frameworks regarding corporate sustainability
developed by the UN and EU – with particular focus on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the upcoming EU
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the SDGs). Additionally, students
will increase their awareness of key pressure points of corporate accountability: civil society, and investors — and how understanding
how by working with these key stakeholders, companies can become truly sustainable in the long term.

Gardner Luzzatto Nina

Human-caused climate change is one of the most serious issue of our time and it portends
unprecedented environmental changes for our societies and future generations. Terms like “global
warming”, “climate change” or “greenhouse effect” are nowadays commonly used by non-specialists,
although this is often done without a clear understanding of the science behind them. Understanding
the science of human-caused climate change is essential to understand the economic, political and
moral dimension of it, and ultimately to tackle it. The objective of this course is to explain the basics of
the climate change science in a concise yet rigorous way, providing the scientific knowledge which
underlies all aspect of the human-induced climate change problem.

Pascale Salvatore

The goal is to develop participants’ awareness of their own leadership style and boost some of their key skills to manage processes of change in risk situations with authority. The program is based on experiential learning: Participants alternate meetings which are aimed at doing tasks at different moments to observe their behavior, participants will benefit from the assistance of professionals and managers who have significant experience in leading groups and organizations to excellent results

Ghini Massimiliano

The course will offer students a multidimensional perspective on the dynamic links between human societies and the environment, using insights from environmental, resource, and ecological economics. The course will particularly focus on climate change and the associated societal responses, spanning multiple methodologies and approaches. At the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of sustainability issues, the methods to study them, and the policies to address them.

Sarmiento Luis

Background on Artificial Intelligence Techniques, overview on main challenges and risks of AI for sustainable development based on the SDGs. Main focus on practical cases study based on equitable, unbiased and trustworthy AI systems, sustainable energy management through AI, and hate speech monitoring through AI.

De Filippo Allegra

On the one hand, the module aims to provide Operations’ basics within modern production and service delivery systems. Following this initial framework, it will be possible to deepen the role of automation and digitalization within the modern Supply Chain and in particular the effect of enabling technologies foreseen by Industry 4.0.

Bortolini Marco

This course is premised on the notion that sustainability represents a fundamental paradox: at the current moment, sustainability presents itself as a goal that can only be achieved through a radical transformation of the ways that we relate to each other and the environment—sustainability is premised upon the unavoidability of transformation. The goal of this course is therefore not to import one or several ethical theories into the world of business and commerce in order to form moral judgments about business practices, or to train business leaders to be more efficient decision makers.  Our task is to identify and navigate ethical dilemmas that arise when we entertain sustainability as a guiding principle for our individual, organizational, and global actions.

Valgenti Robert

The purpose of this module is to increase awareness of the role and functioning of modern corporations as sustainability challenges, opportunities, and solutions emerge. My objective is to enhance our collective awareness of the multiplicity of issues associated with sustainability and explore what all of this means for firms. Towards this end, I have outlined three facets of sustainability – adapting to new demands, dealing with multiple stakeholders and creating a temporal horizon– that can serve as the basis for deepening your understanding of issues connected with sustainability.

Esposito Mark

Over the last decade sustainability, corporate social responsibility and stakeholder management practices have become paramount for companies as well as for the society at large. Although most companies have developed sustainability programs over the years, as they’re cutting carbon emissions, reducing waste, and otherwise enhancing operational efficiency, we are witnessing a mishmash of sustainability tactics that does not add up to a sustainable strategy. To endure, a sustainable strategy has to cope with the competing – and apparently divergent – interests of all stakeholders: investors, employees, customers, governments, NGOs, and society.

In this context corporate Performance Measurement Systems (PMS) play a key role as they help companies to formalize and implement their sustainable strategies as well as to proactively identify new trajectories that help companies to appropriately reconcile the trade-offs between different stakeholders’ wants and needs.


Canal Vieira Leticia

Overall aim of this course is to cover the most important aspects of value chain, including those aspects that concern interorganizational/supply chain or intraorganizational issues, e.g., sourcing and distribution, and to explain how sustainability-oriented innovation needs to be considered across all the aspects. Above all, instead of sustainability being treated separately, the intention in this course is that sustainability-oriented approach is considered in the context of each topic.

Miandar Toloue

You may want to start a new green and sustainable venture. You may find yourself starting a new green and sustainable venture in the future. You may find yourself working for an entrepreneur, funding entrepreneurs, or having to work with them. Or you may simply want to be more entrepreneurial in your own career. The ultimate purpose of the course is to explore the many dimensions of new venture creation & growth in independent as well corporate settings looking at both process and people involved in assessing ideas, exploiting opportunities, and converting concepts into green and sustainable businesses that can really 2 add up to a global sustainable strategy agenda. The candidates will develop a
methodological toolkit to design, understand, and evaluate green business projects.

Giuliani Antonio Paco

Introduction to social innovation and concrete practices for transforming the organizational culture of sustainability from the reputational to the productive area.

Fia Magalì
Zanni Sara

The course will be composed of five sections. The first part will be an introduction to renewable energy as a global economic sector and how it was possible to transform a set of political, social and environmental targets into a thriving and growing global sector. The second part will present the common key variables of renewable energy business and how the main associated risks are tackled. The third part will delve specifically on the debt financing techniques applied to the green economy. In particular, the students will learn how a renewable energy project can raise debt to finance during the different phases of its lifecycle: from development, to construction and operations. The fourth part will expose students on how an equity investor looks at this sector and how to evaluate the opportunities within a certain risk/return spectrum. A special focus will be devoted on how investors calculate investment returns of renewable energy projects taking into account commercial, legal, governmental, technical and business aspects. In the last part of the course a real life business case will be analyzed with particular attention to which key performance indicators can be used – financial, social, environmental – for analysing such an investment.

Vescovo Claudio

The course highlights the risks of greenwashing and emphasizes the significance of ethical communication in sustainability matters. Students will learn to recognize and combat deceptive practices while promoting genuine and transparent sustainability efforts. The goal is to equip students with the skills needed to foster honest sustainability communication, ensuring a responsible corporate governance and avoiding reputational and legal risks.

Flamini Elisa

Moving from linear to circular economy needs a complete rethinking of products, processes and supply chains. This transition calls for the adoption of an anticipatory approach based on which the life-span, the functions, and the generation of waste should be kept in mind in the design stage to identify and prevent potential impacts in each step of the value chain but also maximize, add and maintain value in the further loops. Despite the existence of waste management systems, materials are still a pervasive presence in the environment, with resulting social concerns. By reconnecting societal needs and environmental pressures with company value proposition, externalities can be reduced, and value can be shared. Circular economy is the way to embrace corporate responsibility: reuse, repair, refurbish, remanufacture and repurpose, over than recycling, are among the circular strategies that support organizations to address a socio-technical innovation and change the business models in a sustainable way.

Foschi Eleonora


Faculty members at Bologna Business School work together offering outstanding teaching standards. An international and interdisciplinary approach is guaranteed by a joint team of distinguished national core professors, adjunct, visiting professors, guest speakers and top managers.




    The Executive Master in Sustainability Transition Management has the aim to equip executives with operational tools and strategic knowledge in order to develop their professional career internationally in the global sustainability arena.

    The skills developed during the course must be used for assistance in private companies, NGOs and to inform the public sector.




Eleonora De Florio

Sustainability consultant, Ernst and Young
Executive Master in Sustainability Transition Management (Ed. 2020/2021)

"The Master enriched me from a professional point of view, providing tools and testimonials to broaden my vision and knowledge on sustainability, and from a human point of view, thanks to the presence of colleagues with different training and backgrounds but who shared the same desire to grow together, get involved and make a difference in the increasingly topical scenario of transition towards an economy focused on sustainability, in all its facets."

Xavier Franco Muntada

Sustainability Projects Leader - Zero Impact Packaging Founder - PactoZero, EMST
Executive Master in Sustainability Transition Management (Ed. 2020/2021)

"This Master gives you all the elements to understand and promote the changes towards sustainability in your field, plus a fantastic opportunity to meet and engage with people capable of leading that change - your colleagues."

Karen De Paoli

Independent Employee Benefits Consultant
Executive Master in Sustainability Transition Management (Ed. 2020/2021)

"I have spent the last 20+ years in employee benefits consulting worldwide. Going back to School gives me the knowledge to understand such complex issues and decide where to make the most significant sustainability impact given my career path, network and capabilities."


The Executive Master in Sustainability Transition Management is a master made of people, in which formal and informal opportunities for discussion are created to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences among the participants.

Networking develops among students, between students and teachers, as well as with the school community. The international dimension of the program also allows you to build a very varied and global network of contacts.

During the Study Tour, company visits and testimonials are provided that allow participants to confront managers or entrepreneurs on a significant experience. Direct contact with managers and protagonists of important companies represents a great opportunity for learning and networking.


The Executive Master in Sustainability Transition Management is an ideal path for the development of specialist skills and leadership skills. Starting from the main problems and themes that companies highlighted during the design phase in their contexts, it was possible to focus and understand the needs and expectations with respect to this training path.


Programme Advisory Committee


  • Castagna Mourão e Lima Andrea – Group Head of Safety, Quality and Environment (SQE), A-Gas
  • Davide Collini – CEO, B-Plas
  • Andrea Saverio Cornacchia , CEO & Co-Founder, Carbon Credit Consulting
  • Lucia Freschi, PR Manager Packaging & Sustainability, Tetra Pak
  • Luca Orlandi, Program Management Officer D&IS Italy, Alstom
  • Olivia Yeh – Regional Lead – TF Install Operations, ASML
  • Giovanna Zacchi – Responsabile Sustainability & ESG Manager, BPER



During the Master, a series of seminars with head-hunters and HR managers are offered, to provide tools and resources to contribute to your career development and how to enter the job market in leadership positions.

Once the Master is ended, it is possible to join the activities dedicated to the Community, to further increase your own network. Furthermore, meetings open to the entire BBS Community are periodically scheduled with managers, entrepreneurs and guests, focusing on the different scenarios of a constantly evolving society and market.


The registration fee for the Master’s course on a company basis is 18.200 Euros + VAT.

The registration fee for the Master’s course on an individual basis is 15.200 Euros + VAT.

Reduced fee available until 30 June 2024.


The tuition fee includes:

  • Access to Moodle platform and teaching material
  • BBS Community events
  • Wi-fi access
  • Access to corporate budget databases

For further information, please contact


Preferential terms are available from your reference Inter-professional Fund:

• Fonditalia:
• Fondimpresa – for managers / middle management:
• Fondo Dirigenti PMI – for executives of industrial SMEs:
• Fondirigenti – for executives:
• Fon.Coop – for cooperatives:

Fondimpresa funds training activities to support product and/or process technological innovation for SMEs in the manufacturing industry. For further information click here.


The Executive Master in Sustainability Transition Management aims to provide Managers and Professionals with operational tools and strategic knowledge in order to develop their professional career on global sustainability.

The Master is open to graduates with more than 3 years of professional experience and to non graduates with at least 5 years of work experience.


The selection process takes place through the analysis of the Curriculum Vitae and an individual interview to analyze attitudes, needs and professional profile. To apply, you must send your Curriculum Vitae to

Candidates will be contacted to schedule the selection interview with the Master’s Management.


The selection process consists of an interview with the Master’s Director, organised by the Program Manager upon candidate request and after sending of the Curriculum Vitae. The interview is not binding on enrollment.

No, it is not. The Executive Masters are not University Masters, therefore they do not have ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), that in Italy are called “crediti formativi universitari (CFU).

At the end of the Master, a certificate of attendance (which includes the achieved results) and a Diploma of Participation (upon verification of successful completion of each course and of at least a 70% of class attendance) are issued.

The program manager can provide attendance certificates at the end of each lesson to those who require it.

No, because it is not a university Master.





Book an appointment

Contact us
Iana Kichenko Education Specialist

Telefono: +39 051 2090134

Whatsapp/Viber: +39 338 6379625


Domenico Volpicella Junior Program Manager

Telefono: +39 051 2090104


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