
Claudio Vescovo
Italy Managing Director - Head of Credit Fund Glennmont Adjunct Faculty

Claudio has extensive experience in the renewable energy sector, having operated as both an equity investor (start-ups and acquisitions) and a project financier. At Glennmont he covers private equity investments across four different technologies (wind, solar photovoltaic, biomass and small scale hydro) throughout Europe. In the last years, he has managed circa €500 million in investments in Italy, France, UK, Ireland and Portugal. Prior to joining the foundation, he worked in the project finance division of BNP Paribas, covering renewable energy and conventional power projects in Western and Eastern Europe. Claudio joined the bank through the international program for high potentials, which led him to work in several departments of the group (strategy and business development, risk, and principal investments) in the UK, Belgium, Italy, and the Netherlands. Claudio began his career at KPMG Advisory in Milan, where he advised financial institutions in strategic decisions and risk management interventions.

Claudio is a recurrent lecturer at several business schools in the UK (Imperial College and Oxford Said Business School) and gives courses on energy markets and investments for the Italian Financial Market Association AssiomForex. Claudio sits in the Scientific Committee of the Master in Management of Energy and Renewable Sources of Sole 24 Ore Business School.

Claudio holds an Master in Business Administration from the University of Venice and has worked for one year as a research assistant in Corporate Finance at the University of Trieste.


The course will be composed of five sections. The first part will be an introduction to renewable energy as a global economic sector and how it was possible to transform a set of political, social and environmental targets into a thriving and growing global sector. The second part will present the common key variables of renewable energy business and how the main associated risks are tackled. The third part will delve specifically on the debt financing techniques applied to the green economy. In particular, the students will learn how a renewable energy project can raise debt to finance during the different phases of its lifecycle: from development, to construction and operations. The fourth part will expose students on how an equity investor looks at this sector and how to evaluate the opportunities within a certain risk/return spectrum. A special focus will be devoted on how investors calculate investment returns of renewable energy projects taking into account commercial, legal, governmental, technical and business aspects. In the last part of the course a real life business case will be analyzed with particular attention to which key performance indicators can be used – financial, social, environmental – for analysing such an investment.

Sustainability and Innovation
Sustainability Transition Management

The course will allow students to gain a solid and robust understanding of how institutional investors finance and invest in the renewable energy sector: how to assess the key commercial, legal, macro-economic and technological risks, what tools to use to mitigate them, and how to measure return on investment. Students will solve a real life business case where they will learn how to use a financial model that forecasts on a 20+ year horizon the profit & loss, balance sheet, cash-flow statement of a renewable energy company.

Sustainability Transition Management (Part-time)