Expert in emotional intelligence. Professor of Human Resource Management at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Bologna and Professor of Organizational Behavior at Bologna Business School, where he also directs the course “Leadership in action.” Management consultant and founder of TEAMX – Intelligence for team performance. He is a member of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations (CREIO) in Boston. Master’s degree with honors in International Business, Graduate in Political Science and Economics. He has been working on emotional intelligence in leadership, change processes and teamwork since 2000. He loves neuroscience and the brain-based approach to business. In 2006, Max was nominated for the Aspen Institute Faculty Pioneer Award for “his innovative research and tools related to emotional intelligence.” He ran the Six Seconds Center for innovative management in Menlo Park, California, where he was a board member for five years. Max is the author of Emotional Intelligence in Action, co-author of the book Inside Change, SEI Emotional Intelligence Assessment and Vital Signs Tools for Measuring Performance Drivers. In 2015, 2017 and 2019 he won the Best Teacher Award for Executive Masters at Bologna Business School. Some organizations he has worked with: Amazon, Azimut, Basf, Eli Lilly, Ferrari, Google, Marchesini, Pfizer, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Schneider Electric, Trevi Group.
Learning to face change to make the most of every opportunity: changing is the big challenge of our time, but to do it it’s important to learn to overcome one’s resistances. Through self-knowledge, knowing how the brain works, thanks to neurosciences, it is possible to better understand how to change oneself and why.
Throughout the course particular emphasis will be placed on the development of a coherent language that allows participants to represent, understand, and tackle the main aspects of organizational life. The course contents can be traced to the following generic areas: the individual, individuals and relations, groups, relations between groups, personnel management tools, organizations and new organizational structures.
MBA WeekendThe challenge of innovation passes through people. To create business innovation we need conscious leaders, able to facilitate the work of heterogeneous teams and get the most out of people both in terms of problem finding and change making. In the course, starting from what the neurosciences have taught us about how people “work”, we are going to decline an innovative way of people management that can help us, even at cross-cultural level, to improve the drivers of performance.
Executive MBA English EditionFOCUS SESSION – The goal is to develop participants’ awareness of their own leadership style and boost some of their key skills to manage processes of change in risk situations with authority. The program is based on experiential learning: Participants alternate meetings which are aimed at doing tasks at different moments to observe their behavior, participants will benefit from the assistance of professionals and managers who have significant experience in leading groups and organizations to excellent results.
CORE COURSE – The course covers the principles of human capital management aimed at achieving and maintaining high performance. Themes related to the behaviors and techniques employed by successful organizations will be explored in terms of how they deal with an array of individuals and individual motivations keeping in line with the strategy and the objectives defined by the company. The course will enable participants to understand the abilities/skills required to manage people in a company, communicate effectively, and obtain the necessary commitment to meet objectives.
People management is a fundamental variable within the world of supply chain and operations. The necessity of maintaining high productivity, continuously improving production processes and supporting the frequent changes of technology and of customers’ needs, cannot be done with unmotivated people. All the people managers in performing their task shall have, in their professional toolkit, instruments and techniques to make the most of people’s skills in an increasingly rapid and complex world.
The goal is to develop participants’ awareness of their own leadership style and boost some of their key skills to manage processes of change in risk situations with authority. The program is based on experiential learning: Participants alternate meetings which are aimed at doing tasks at different moments to observe their behavior, participants will benefit from the assistance of professionals and managers who have significant experience in leading groups and organizations to excellent results.
MBA EveningThe goal is to develop participants’ awareness of their own leadership style and boost some of their key skills to manage processes of change in risk situations with authority. The program is based on experiential learning: Participants alternate meetings which are aimed at doing tasks at different moments to observe their behavior, participants will benefit from the assistance of professionals and managers who have significant experience in leading groups and organizations to excellent results
Sustainability and Business InnovationINSPIRATIONAL AND MOTIVATIONAL SESSIONS – Working in increasingly uncertain markets, with a constantly increasing level of pressure on people, makes it necessary to develop new skills such as managing emotions.
The course introduces the discipline of Emotional Intelligence, which is based on neuro-scientific evidence and allows the rational and emotional sides to interact better, improving results and well-being.
To do this, it is first necessary to understand how the brain works, in order to increase awareness and apply it at a managerial level, so as to implement behaviours that enable sustainable performance.
The course also shows what facilitates change in people and then focuses on ‘Change MA.P.’, a managerial process developed to drive change with emotional intelligence. In this way, you will learn tools and strategies for successful change management.
Executive MBAWorking in a global, uncertain and complex world requires a new managerial play book that allows you to bring together agile organizations and people’s engagement. In the course, starting from what neurosciences have taught us about how people “work”, we will decline an innovative way of people management that can help us, even at the cross-cultural level, to improve the drivers of the performance.
MBA Hybrid OnlineInnovation management is a critical variable within organizations. The need to maintain high productivity, continuously improve, and support frequent changes in technology and customer needs cannot be done without a method. All change makers must have tools and techniques in their professional toolkit to make the best use of people skills, starting with themselves, to succeed in an increasingly fast-paced and complex world.
The course aims to provide the right tools and competences needed to become a change maker in organizations going through both the soft and hard skills needed to lead change in organizations. In particular the course will delve into organizational change and how innovation and change can be properly communicated and introduced in organizations, considering the following topics: what is organizational change and why it is so difficult to change (sources of change and sources of resistance to change); how to communicate change (the role of perception, visual management and feedback); how to become a change maker (how to learn a new pattern, the emotional side of change and facilitating change); collaborative innovation at work; team emotional intelligence and how to increase social capital; a scientific approach to change.
Food Innovation and RegenerationImplementation of AI projects is a challenge that passes through people, this needs conscious leaders, able to facilitate the work of heterogeneous teams and get the most out of people both in terms of problem finding and change making. We will use the discipline of emotional intelligence to embed the neuroscience of change and build on this scientific approach to arrive to an action model.
The course aims to provide the right tools and competences needed to become a change maker in organizations in particular how to increase the awareness of the impact of leadership, support the management of the ordinary resistance to create new patterns of action, communicate and collaborate in teams to obtain extra-ordinary results.
Artificial Intelligence for Business