
Alessandra Zammit
Italy Associate Professor of Management University of Bologna Core Faculty
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Alessandra is Associate professor of Marketing, at the Department of Management at the University of Bologna. Member of the University Senate. At Bologna Business School she has been appointed as Associate Dean for Custom Programs, and she is the Associate Director of the Corporate EMBA Ferrari. Her research interests deal with consumer choice issues and context effects. Currently, his research focuses on the evolution of preferences, on the social influence on purchasing choices, and on the customization choices for new products. Her research has appeared in marketing journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Service Research and the European Journal of Marketing. She teaches Marketing, Consumer Behavior, and Marketing Research courses, at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels. She received her Ph.D. in General Management from the University of Bologna and was a Visiting Scholar at Fuqua School of Business (Duke University, North Carolina USA). She holds a degree in statistics.


CORE COURSE – The course provides participants with concepts and techniques to analyse the reference market. In particular, the course delves into the customer’s decision-making process, highlighting the reasons underlying the purchase decision, the development of decision-making attitudes and rules. Furthermore, the course aims at familiarizing participants with logics, methods and techniques at the basis of the development of a market research process. Marketing research provides for the development of questions that are relevant from a managerial viewpoint, for the collection and analysis of data and their interpretation. Statistical tools will be used in order to study and better understand the phenomena that are analysed and to provide a support to managers’ decisions. The curse aims at fostering the acquisition of the logics and mechanisms underlying the carrying out of a rigorous marketing research with the final objective of allowing participants to become “smart” buyers and users of market research activities and marketing studies.

The construction of the market position requires, first of all, the knowledge and the accurate management of the perception of the value for the customer. This implies understanding the logic that governs the purchasing and development processes of the reference markets. Starting from the examination of these aspects, the course explores the processes related to the articulation of strategic marketing plans and their implementation in different sectorial and environmental contexts.

MBA Hybrid Online

Introduction to marketing research: descriptive analysis. Utilizing probability and hypothesis in marketing research. Design and technical development finalized for collecting primary data. Data analysis: regression. Segmentation and clustering techniques. Perceptual maps and positioning.


Gestione d’Impresa – Made in Italy
Gestione d’Impresa – Food & Wine
Gestione d’Impresa – Retail Management and E-Commerce
Business Management – Global and Emerging Markets
Business Management – Green Management and Sustainable Businesses
Business Management – Tourism, Heritage and Events
Business Management – Life Science and MedTech
Gestione d’Impresa – Sport Management

FOCUS SESSION – The aim of the focus session is to familiarize participants with the principles, the methods and, in particular, the techniques underpinning the development of a market research process. Marketing research features the identification of questions that are managerially relevant, the collection and analysis of data and their interpretation. The workshop aims at fostering the acquisition of the principles and mechanisms, including technical ones, that are at the basis of the carrying out of a rigorous, also from a scientific viewpoint, marketing research, with the final objective of enabling participants to become “smart” clients and users of market research and marketing studies.

The goal of the course is to offer MBA students the opportunity to test theories and make decisions in a risk-free platform. Markstrat is marketing simulation software that allows students to apply under real market conditions the theory they learned during their lessons: students work in teams to manage a company that operates in an established market and has the opportunity to invest in an emerging one. Though the use of Markstrat students can strengthen their knowledge on brand management, segmentation, targeting and positioning analysis. Specifically Markstrat learning objectives are to:
1) Manage products in established and emerging markets
2) Conduct market and competitor analysis
3) Manage essential marketing tools: learn how to read and use marketing research data
4) Plan Research and development projects identifying the most relevant characteristics for target segments
5) Set Product portfolio and launches strategies
6) Identify Sales and distribution strategies

Introduction to marketing research: descriptive analysis. Utilizing probability and hypothesis in marketing research. Design and technical development finalized for collecting primary data. Data analysis: regression. Segmentation and clustering techniques. Perceptual maps and positioning.

Business Management – Italian Premium Brands