
Full professor University of Bologna

Anna Masutti is Full Professor at the University of Bologna, President of RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA, member of the Board of Assonime, Committee Member EALA (EU Air Law Ass.) and Committee Member of IBA (International Bar Ass.) Aviation and member of the Board of Directors of AIDA Italia (International Association of Insurance Law). She is a speaker and organiser of seminars and conferences with operators and associations such as AIAD and ANIA. She is the author of several monographs in the field of aviation, transport and public services law. She is the editor of ‘The Aviation and Space Journal’ of the University of Bologna, a member of the Scientific Committee of the journal ‘Diritto dei Trasporti’ and of the journal ‘Marine Aviation & Transport’.
Anna has extensive experience in the transport sector, in the management and establishment of companies, particularly those operating in the air transport and airport services sector, their administration and control systems as well as ownership and governance structures.