
Barbara Lorenzini
Italy Marketing Consultant ad Adjunct Faculty University of Bologna Adjunct Faculty
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Barbara Lorenzini is a Consultant and Adjunct Professor at the University of Bologna. She is a researcher and consultant on the subject of brand and social media strategies. Graduated in Business Economics at the same university, she then achieved a Master in Communication and Marketing at Publitalia. At BBS, she teaches the following courses: Product service and brand (Executive master in sales and marketing), Marketing (Master in gestione di impresa).


CORE COURSE – The reference of the module is the process of value creation and the object is to provide methodological and practical knowledge on the activities to construct and manage the brand, in its different modes, related to product and company reputation. During the course, the process to transform the product into a brand and the relationship between innovation, development, product management and brand consolidation will be discussed. The generation and development of brand equity. Brand and purchase experience. Development and launch of new products. From product portfolio management to brand extension.

The course focuses on the value creation process and it aims at providing methodological and practical knowledge on brand building and management activities, in its different types of relationship with the product and the company’s reputation. During the course the process of transforming the product into a brand and the relationship between innovation, development, product management and brand consolidation will be analyzed. The brand equity generation and the development of the purchasing experience will also be addressees, as well as the development and launch of new products. In parallel, the course will deal with service topics in B2B and B2C environments.

Sales and Marketing

From the business model to the operational marketing plan. The fundamental conceptual and quantitative tools necessary for understanding, analyzing and constructing the relationship a company establishes with its market of interest: the centrality of the client, studying acquired behavior, the processes of segmentation and positioning, the development of new products and the spread of innovation, pricing decisions, distribution and communication.

Gestione d’Impresa – Made in Italy
Gestione d’Impresa – Food & Wine
Gestione d’Impresa – Retail Management and E-Commerce
Gestione d’Impresa – Sport Management