Gian Luca

Gian Luca Marzocchi
Italy Full Professor of Marketing and Consumer Behavior University of Bologna Core Faculty
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Gian Luca Marzocchi is Full professor of Marketing and Consumer Behavior at the Department of Management, University of Bologna, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on Consumer Behavior, Marketing and Statistical Modelling of Service Quality. In 2019 he has been appointed President of the Quality Assurance Committee of the University of Bologna. From 2000 to 2012 Professor Marzocchi has been the Scientific Coordinator of the Management Division of BBS, where he currently is a Core Faculty member and teaches advanced and executive courses.

His research specialties include consumer behavior, service quality and satisfaction modeling, waiting perception and management in service settings, inter-temporal choice, and the analysis of the interplay between brand loyalty and community identification in brand communities. He has published extensively in marketing and management scholarly journals.

His refereed works have recently appeared in Journal of Applied Psychology, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Economic Psychology, European Journal of Marketing, Marketing Letters, Journal of Service Research, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Operational Research Society, International Journal of Market Research, among others. Prof. Marzocchi has been a Consultant for many companies and institutions such as Electrolux, Pirelli, Società Autostrade, Ferrari, Ducati, Ferretti Group, Unicredit, Coop, Anec, Confesercenti and the Emilia Romagna Region Government.


The component of service is pervasive also within traditional manufacturing chains and is constantly growing. The aim of the workshop is to analyse the main challenges connected to the management of the immaterial component of the business. This will be done analysing the main specificities that the service activities bring to the attention of the management, attributing a specific emphasis to the design of services that are consistent with (the growing) expectations of recipients.


Technology and Innovation

The course provides the theoretical and methodological tools to correctly understand the mechanisms underlying consumers’ decision making. In particular, at the end of the course, students will be able to a) master the most relevant theories of consumer choice, b) analyze how consumers make decisions, and c) plan and implement a marketing research aimed to explore and predict consumer choices.

Marketing Management
Data Marketing and Analytics

In mature markets, characterized by a high competitive intensity, customer satisfaction, as a forerunner of loyalty and profitability, plays a central role in the construction of a successful business model. The aim of the course is to make participants aware of the main approaches and measurement tools for customer satisfaction currently utilized in advanced business contexts, as well as the related implementation procedures, highlighting the strong operational relationship existing between these methods and the marketing decision-making processes.


Sales and Marketing

Some fundamental instruments needed to understand, analyze and build the network that a company establishes with its own market. The fundamental concepts of marketing: client focus, purchase behavior analysis, the role of brands, the segmentation and position processes, the development of new products and the diffusion of innovation, price decisions, distribution and communication. Client loyalty-building policies, business to business and services marketing, marketing plans.

MBA Weekend

Decision making has always been the most fascinating area of social research. The tools available today can decipher and explain what goes on in our brains when we find ourselves making decisions. No one knows better than those who work with customers that consumers observe and absorb much more from images or words than from reasoning. There are unconscious associations we have with behaviors, places, images and words that help us build a sketch of the people (and brands) we encounter. In the modern view of marketing we ask ourselves, consumers, companies, and products to join us in the process of co-creation. There is now a very precise science in decoding cognitive processes: Neuromarketing Lab is dedicated to testing and describing its main tools and professional and personal implications.

MBA Evening