At the end of a project work, Antonio Screpis, CEO and Founder of Antonio Croce, has donated seven scholarships from 2,000 € to as many students of the Master in Business Management. The project work involved students in the Asian Markets and Made in Italy track, to define the brand experience and (more..)
The project presented by three students of BBS has been selected as one of the 10 best Italian. Ramesh Menchu (Global MBA Green Energy and Sustainable Businesses), Esteban Miso Pineda (Global MBA Food and Wine), and Valentino Testoni (Full-time Master in Administration, Finance and Control) present (more..)
Our international students have chosen one word to describe Bologna Business School. MBA Evening MBA Sergio Cassarini - INNOVATIVA Miguel Terrero - INTERNACIONAL Alberto Montaguti - MITICA Master in Marketing, Communication and New Media Nahiara Dall'asta Montané - AMIGOS Stefano Corina (more..)
When, in 2004, he launched Dispensa Emilia – Tigelleria Tradizionale, the first Italian example of a restaurant chain featuring traditional products and fast service, he also introduced in the country a new approach to the Food&Wine industry. Today, 10 years later, the success of his restauran (more..)
Just one word to express what the Bologna Business School represents to the members of the International Advisory Board. Ivano Dionigi Rector, University of Bologna Giampiero Bergami Regional Manager, UniCredit Fernando Napolitano President and CEO, Italian Business and Investment Initiative Na (more..)
What is the future of business education? BBS is publishing one video per week in order to share the opinions and thoughts of the fifteen counselors who are supporting the global growth of Bologna Business School. This week is the moment of Eric Cornuel, Director General and CEO, EFMD (European Foun (more..)
BBS alumni talk about themselves: what was before, what came after and the memories of life as a student, to offer a personal story and a narration of one's own professional experience, to form a history of our Community. The protagonist of the sixth episode is Anna Maria Artoni, CEO, Artoni Traspo (more..)
“Being a leader in an organization – whether a small, medium or large one – requires qualities comparable to those architects have. You must be able to draw: drawing futures, drawing visions, drawing spaces, even if they aren't physical spaces, but mental, competitive and market spaces”. These are E (more..)
What is the future of business education? BBS is publishing one video per week in order to share the opinions and thoughts of the fifteen counselors who are supporting the global growth of Bologna Business School. This week is the moment of Andrea Pontremoli, CEO, Dallara. Andrea Pontremoli is CE (more..)
The MBA students of Georgetown University visited our School to attend two lectures on the Italian market. Riccardo Silvi introduced students to the Italian industry performance and dynamics. While, Sara Valentini made a presentation on the value of the Italy Brand. About Georgetown University Esta (more..)
Over 900 students, alumni, teachers, entrepreneurs and managers have participated at the most important event of BBS. A special occasion devoted to the celebration of the conclusion of the Masters, to strengthen the network and the Community of the school. The program was opened by the Dean, Mass (more..)
Some relevant quotations from the Commencement Speech of Andrea Guerra, Strategic Advisor of the Prime Minister. "The world in which you enter is completely different compared to 5-6 years ago. Not just geographical boundaries have changed, but the boundaries of business and technology are complet (more..)
12 Alumni, 12 companies and 5 sketchers: the business Challenges of Saturday, July 4th in occasion of the Reunion 2015. The BBS Community divided into five sessions to analyze real business problems on the following topics: Technology Innovation (Sofinter Group, Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A., Begh (more..)
Are you thinking of subscribing to this program? Read all the activities that take place in this edition, there are good stories that we would like to share with you. The MO&HRM is an all-encompassing program, involving students in a rich network of experiences, companies and people. It will (more..)
Video and photogallery of the most important event of BBS. The event that celebrate the conclusion of the Masters, an opportunity to network and a special moment for the whole Alumni Community. 376 new graduates, and over 900 students, alumni, teachers, entrepreneurs and manager (more..)
What is the future of business education? BBS is publishing one video per week in order to share the opinions and thoughts of the fifteen counselors who are supporting the global growth of Bologna Business School. This week is the moment of Giampiero Bergami, Regional Manager, UniCredit. Giampier (more..)
Do you remember the last year? Waiting for the #BBSReunion 2015, we browse the photo album of the 2014 edition. Expect the Unexpected was the title of last year , to put an "attention to the management of uncertainty, not a temporary or exceptional event, but a physiological environment in which ma (more..)