Join our Global MBA Q&A on Monday, June 29 at 3 pm (CET), a special session to discover the Global MBA in Food and Wine of BBS. During the virtual session the Scientific Director Ludovica Leone will be connected to answer doubts, curiosities and questions about the Master. Marcello Russo, (more..)
On Friday, June 26, the fifth edition of the 'AIDP Award for Bar-raisers', the final day for the participants of the Master in HR & Organization, will be held in virtual mode, in collaboration with the Emilia Romagna Regional Group of the AIDP. During the virtual appointment the final project (more..)
An online Masterclass is held on Thursday, June 25 at 6.30pm to talk about the redefinition of business models in the post-emergency era. The session, of the duration of reception, will be held by the Directors of the International Executive MBA of Bologna Business School Riccardo Silvi, Full Pro (more..)
On Saturday, June 20, there will be via Microsoft Teams the Virtual Open Day of the Executive Masters, an event dedicated to those who want to update and deepen their professional skills. During the Virtual Open Day, the following masters will be presented: MBAs: 9.30 (cest): Executive MB (more..)
On Friday, June 19, there will be via Microsoft Teams a webinar dedicated to the wage situation in Europe, after the emergency of these months. In the context of this sudden exogenous crisis, wage-setting regulation can play the role as stabilizer of demand. In the short and medium run, minimu (more..)
Join our Virtual Open Day on Tuesday, June 16th, at 3 pm (cest), to discover the new Global MBA of Bologna Business School. The meeting will let you discuss with the Director of Studies and the Program Manager, and understand the main features of our five different tracks: Automation and Rob (more..)
On Friday 5 June there will be a virtual Q&A session for the Master in Marketing Management, a full-time program in English designed for those who want to help transform the value of businesses into economic objectives. During the one-hour meeting, it will be possible to receive details and i (more..)
On Wednesday June 3 there will be via Microsoft Teams the Virtual Open Day of Full-time Masters, where you will have the opportunity to know in detail the characteristics of our programs. Register to the event to know the characteristics of these Masters: From 5 pm to 6 pm (cest): Busines (more..)
Mercoledì 3 giugno alle ore 18 si terrà un webinar mirato a riflettere sulla gestione della liquidità delle imprese, uno degli aspetti prioritari da cui dipende la sopravvivenza di ogni azienda, soprattutto in fase di emergenza. In uno scenario in continua evoluzione, sono numerose le iniziative (more..)