My name is Viveca Knapp, and I am from the UK. I attended the Master in Marketing, Communication and New Media in 2018. Before starting the Master, I studied French and Italian at The University of Birmingham, and then worked as an English teacher in Spain, a journalist in Rome and later at the Italian Chamber of Commerce in London. In a nutshell, not a lot to do with marketing!
Coming from an unrelated background was challenging at times as I was a novice when it came to many activities most students were familiar with. However, with the right amount of concentration, a passion for learning and the approachability of both my colleagues on the course and my teachers, I was able to succeed.
The Master has been a great way to experience all the various aspects within the world of marketing. Whilst studying traditional methods in the first term, we then focused on digital marketing, with experts of the industry coming to teach us.
Thanks to the help of the dedicated BBS Career Service, and the networking events we were able to attend at Bologna Business School, I was able to find an internship in Milan at Webranking, in the programmatic department. Hard to believe that one year ago I had never heard of a pivot table or a vertical look-up! This Master taught me new hard and soft skills which I have brought with me to my new position.
If you’re a potential international student, I strongly recommend coming to study at BBS. My course was basically 75% international students, so you have the possibility to make friends from all over the world. My class was great at socializing between Italians and non-Italians so we became an extremely tight-knit group. BBS also provided an Italian learning course; definitely a good idea since although the course is in English, many work opportunities in Italy naturally require Italian. It is also a great way to immerse yourself in the culture of a country that you will very soon call home.
Bologna is my favourite city in Italy, famous for its food and the oldest university in the Western world. It has a charm that no-one can deny, a student town that has not been overrun with tourists. Apart from studying hard and preparing yourself for your bright professional future, be also ready for gelato, pizza and tagliatelle al ragù (don’t call it spaghetti bolognese!).
Viveca Knapp – United Kingdom
Master in Marketing, Communication and New Media – Class of 2017/2018