The society of connections. In remembrance of Enzo Spaltro.

27 March 2021

Enzo Spaltro was a medical doctor, he had a degree in medical clinic and a specialization in occupational medicine. He is considered the pioneer of work psychology in Italy and was among the best-known Italian scholars of work psychology in the world. He taught in many Universities abroad, from the Unites States to South America and in Europe. For thirty years he has been full professor in our University. Entire generations of trainers were trained with him.

Enzo Spaltro brought psychology on television, thus contributing to the dissemination of its potential at the service of people.

He also collaborated with the most important Italian companies, creating a bridge between research and the world of managerial practice.

Loss brings one to reflect on value and it is for this reason that we wish to honor the memory of Enzo Spaltro by remembering his contribution to the community of managers and trainers who found in him a source of guidance and exchange of views. We remember him with some fragments, a source of inspiration.

Learning is a pleasure, not a duty. Education is always and in any case the learning of wellbeing that makes us free. We learn more and better if we start doing fun things.

Learning is more important than teaching. The school of a future society must favor learning over teaching, students over teachers, and there are many things that are learnt without being taught and many others that are taught without having been learnt.

Over the centuries, the driving force of wellbeing has been ethical and aesthetic: ethics refers to the past, aesthetics to the future; the feeling at the basis of ethics is the experience and the need of not repeating mistakes that were made; instead, aesthetics has the hope and the desire to feel better. There is no beauty without future and rule without past.

The didactics of the future society is that of plurality, of the group. From the couple to the small group. First of all, with the classroom that from being a physical place becomes a place where knowledge is shared through internal and external relationships.

Training needs to be able to chase moving targets and to foresee the position of those targets in time, being at the same time training and development.

“The teaching profession is a dreamer’s profession, that is, we dream in the pupil and the pupil dreams in us. It’s the utopia of better individuals, I dreamt of better people. Pupils can be better than they are and are certainly better than they appear to be.” This is how the Dean of BBS, Max Bergami, remembers him with a quote of his.


The BBS community joins all those who are saddened by his passing, with the awareness that his legacy for the future is stronger than today’s loss.


Thank you Enzo.


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