My name is Paulina Garduno. I am Mexican, and my previous experience was as a Marketing and Communications project manager at TCCC. While my on-the-job experience had allowed me a diverse set of skills and knowledge around brand management, my long-term goal had always been a career in the fashion industry therefore my interest in pursuing the MBA in Design, Fashion and Luxury goods at Bologna Business School.
I believed this MBA would offer me the greatest opportunity to expand my education not only in terms of management but also focusing in the industry that I felt most passionate about. Plus, having the opportunity to put that intel into practice by working within a fashion company, just made my decision to choose BBS, a no-brainer.
From being a student at BBS, I will take three things with me wherever I go next. Without a doubt, the courses regarding my track are the first thing to come into mind. Having subjects such as Gemology and Watches with Professor Alberto Festa, Fashion Accessories with Dayana Grassi and Business Models in the Fashion Industry with Nicola Giorgi got me engaged, making my fascination with the industry even broader.
Then, it is definitely the people. Being part of an international environment like the one we were submersed in, is mind-expanding. Naturally, creating a network is part of the purpose of an MBA but I found enriching to realize the compatibility that you can have with people who are literally in the opposite side of the world and with absolutely different cultures. Personally, I made really good friends which I’m sure I will keep in touch with through the passing years.
And last but not least, the encounter with Italy and all that it entails: from traveling the country and taking part in the culture, through enjoying all the food and wine legacy that the place offers, to the challenge of learning a new language and looking for a job.
As William Blake said, ‘the true method of knowledge is experiment’ and definitely ‘this experiment’ was more enlightening and enriching that I thought; academically speaking I learned but my growth and development as a person tops that off.
Paulina Garduno – Mexico
MBA in Design, Fashion and Luxury goods – Class 2016/2017