Groups of Researchers 2017

Groups of Researchers participating to StartUp Ecosystem Day 2017

Group of Researchers Sensini, Belcari

PROJECT: Resorbable nanofibrous multiscale scaffold for tendon/ligament regeneration

SECTOR: Biomedical / Biotechnology

REFERENTS: Alberto Sensini, Ph.D student, Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN)

fgaufgofbefjIuri Belcari, Research fellow, Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN)

INSTITUTION: University of Bologna



Group of Researcher Braschi

PROJECT: Mineral oil hydrocarbons in FOODSTUFFS

SECTOR: Industrial Automation

REFERENTIlaria Braschi, Professor, Department of Agricultural Sciences

INSTITUTION: University of Bologna



Group of Researchers Fabbri, Greppi

PROJECT: Hybrid PVTile

SECTOR: Energy / Environment

REFERENTSGiampietro Fabbri, Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering (DIN)

fgaufgofbefjMatteo Greppi, Research fellow, CIRI Aeronautics

INSTITUTION: University of Bologna



Group of Researcher De Marchi

PROJECT: Intelligent Structures

SECTOR: Electronics

REFERENTSLuca De Marchi, Research fellow, Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering “Guglielmo Marconi”

INSTITUTION: University of Bologna



Group of Researcher Morandi

PROJECT: CPgenomics

SECTOR: Biomedical / Biotechnology

REFERENTSNicola Testoni, Adjunct Professor, Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering “Guglielmo Marconi”

fgaufgofbefjLuca Morandi, Investor

INSTITUTION: University of Bologna



Group of Researchers Rocchi, Tonni

PROJECT: uniBo-Chech

SECTOR: Civil Engineering

REFERENTSIrene Rocchi, Assistant Professor, DICAM

fgaufgofbefjLaura Tonni, Professor, DICAM

INSTITUTION: University of Bologna



Group of Researchers Lauriola, Mattei, Montroni, Rodia, Solmi, Ugolini

PROJECT: Method and kit for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer

SECTOR: Biomedical / Biotechnology

REFERENTSMattia Lauriola, Junior assistant professor, DIMES

fgaufgofbefjIsacco Montroni, Medical Director, Ospedale infermi Faenza

INSTITUTION: University of Bologna and Ospedale per gli Infermi Faenza




Group of Researchers Tinti, Focaccia

PROJECT: Protection System for Vertical Borehole Heat Exchangers

SECTOR: Geotermic

REFERENTSFrancesco Tinti, Junior assistant professor, DICAM

fgaufgofbefjSara Focaccia, Founder, Serengeo S.r.l.

INSTITUTION: University of Bologna and Serengeo S.r.l.