Like every year in Vico Equense was held the traditional event dedicated the dishes of great Italian Chefs. Our students of the Global MBA Food and Wine taste their stories through their peculiar plates.
On June 7 – 9 took place Festa Vico in the heart of the town and along the coast of the Sorrento peninsula. This unconventional event was created by Gennaro Esposito, Chef of the starred restaurant Torre del Saracino.
The first evening was entitled “The Republic of Food” where emerging chefs have animated the streets of Vico Equense hosted by the local shops and creating a new way to consume food: to have the starter at the flower shop, the main course at news-stand, and the dessert at clothing boutique.
“To take part in the Festa Vico means to share with your friends the passion that unites us, the food” – Giuseppe Ruotolo, La Torrente.
At the “Charity Dinner ” on the evening of June 8, big names of Italian restaurants have prepared a dinner for 200 guests at the Castello Giusso. Among the most important Chef were : Karl Baumgartner, Massimo Bottura, Francesco Bracali, Pino Cuttaia, Nino Di Costanzo, Tomaz Kavcic, Valentino Marcattilii, Riccardo Monco, Alessandro Negrini, Fabio Pisani, Piergiorgio Parini, Valeria Piccini, Salvatore Tassa, Paolo Rota per Chicco Cerea, Claudio Sadler, Simone Sangiorgi per Andrea Berton, Takayoshi Shiozawa, Davide Scabin, Sandro Serva e Gennaro Esposito.
“The freshness, the lightness, and the perfume of this area are a great inspiration to me when creating new dishes” – Gian Pietro Damini, Damini e Afini.
During the last night in the seafront of Marina d’Equa di Seiano, “The Night of the Stars” hosted the dishes of 100 chefs, masters of pizza and the street food. The Students were able meet some of the chefs from whom they learned the importance of this event in their careers, in their creativity, and in the future of this industry.
“This event has been an incredible opportunity to meet in person some of the great chefs and their passion for food. High quality food, made of genuine ingredients from the territory, makes every bit a unique experience. Food is not just food, is Art!” – Gabriella di Clemente, Global MBA Food and Wine.