Freitas Silveira Netto

Carla Freitas Silveira Netto
Research Fellow of Management University of Bologna

Postdoc in Management at the University of Bologna, in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam. Carla was the lecturer of the course “Quantitative Methods for Business – Statistics” at the Global Master in Business Administration XIII 2020/21 at BBS. She has a Ph.D. with honours in marketing from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS – Brazil). In 2018 was a visiting Ph.D. student of the Department of Econometrics & Business Statistics at Monash University, Australia. Carla has experience working with the industry in business intelligence and marketing research. Her research interest includes multichannel marketing, business analytics, and forecasting in marketing, applying machine learning techniques and statistical methods. She is also interested in developing analytics research that ensures consumer privacy.