
Marco Chiani
Italy Full Professor of Telecommunications University of Bologna Extended Faculty
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Prof. Marco Chiani received the Ph.D. degree in electronic and computer engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 1993, where he is currently a Full Professor in Telecommunications. Since 2003 he also holds a Research Affiliate appointment at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
He is leading the research unit of the University of Bologna on wireless communication systems and on cyber-physical systems (European projects H2020 EuroCPS, FP7 EUWB, FP7 Optimix, FP7 Concerto, National project GRETA), and is a consultant to the European Space Agency for the design and evaluation of error correcting codes. His research interests are in the areas of wireless networks and communications theory, including cyber-physical systems, statistical signal processing, codes on graphs, wireless sensors, low-power ultra-wideband radios. He received the 2011 IEEE Abraham Prize, the 2012 IEEE Ellersick Prize, and the 2012 IEEE Rice Prize in the Fields of Communications Systems and Theory. He has been chair (2002–2004) of the Radio Communications Committee of the IEEE Communication Society and Editor of Wireless Communication (2000–2007) for the IEEE Transactions on Communications.
In 2012 he has been appointed Distinguished Visiting Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK. Since 2011 he is a Fellow of the IEEE, named for “Contributions to wireless communication systems”.


Making systems fruitfully interact with the physical world requires understanding of sensors and signal processing requirements, as well as of the current limitations and the evolution of wireless IoT technologies for energy-constrained and latency-constrained applications. After discussing those topics, the course identifies some business-oriented applications of wireless IoT technologies and presents some case studies: IoT for precision agriculture, IoT for landslide monitoring.