Prof. Aldo Bertazzoli enrolled at the University of Bologna in 1978, in the Faculty of Agriculture, degree course in Agricultural Sciences. In 1982 he graduated in Agricultural Sciences with a grade of 110/110 cum laude, discussing a thesis on the dairy sector in Lombardy, in the subject Agricultural products Marketing, supervisor Professor Franco Alvisi. In 1987 he obtained the title of Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics and Politics, with a thesis on International Grains Trade, supervisor professor Franco Alvisi.
In 1987 he entered the roles of the University of Bologna, first as a technician and then as a researcher / confirmed researcher in the field G01X – Agricultural Economics and Appraisal. He worked at the Institute of Rural Appraisal and Accounting, which then joined the Department of Agricultural Economics and Engineering.
In addition to teaching support activities for the courses of Rural Appraisal and Economics of agricultural markets, in the last 90ties, he taught Economics of International Trade of Agricultural Products. In 1998 he is among the winners of the National Contest for Associate Professors (sector G01X) and in November 1998 he became Associate Professor at the University of Parma, Faculty of Economics. Since November 2001 he is Full Professor at Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, in the scientific disciplinary field Agr/01 – Economics and Rural Appraisal.
Research activity includes the measurement of farm efficiency and profitability, supply chain management and value creation, evaluation of agricultural policy.
He coordinated nationally-funded research projects and participated in European research projects. In particular, he participated in the AIR project “Adaptation des systèmes de production horticoles méditerranéennes aux nouvelles contraintes socio- économiques” of the 5th Framework Programme of the European Union, in the FP / CHANCE project “Low-cost technologies and traditional ingredients for the production of affordable and nutritionally correct food that improve health in population groups at risk of poverty” of the 7th Framework Programme and is currently participating in the Horizon 2020 VALUMICS and FoodE projects.
The course focuses on the analysis of agri-food systems, highlighting the role of the different agri-food stakeholders and how their economic relationships are congruent and consequent to the complex of production, transformation and consumption technologies. At the end of the course, the student knows the structure, the internal relationships, the dynamics and the main market trends of the agri-food systems. He also knows the main sources of information useful for the analysis of agri-food systems.
Food and Wine