Innovation Talk. From Trash to Design

May 25 2016 - ore 18.00 - Bologna Business School - Villa Guastavillani, Via degli Scalini 18 - Bologna

Arthur Huang, Founder and Ceo, Miniwiz Co Taiwan will be in the fourth protagonist of the Innovation Talks with Flaviano Celaschi, Professor of Design, University of Bologna, who will attend as discussant.

Some information about the speaker and the discussant.

Arthur Huang Arthur is a structural engineer, architect, innovator of loop economy building material solutions and specialized in post-consumer trash recycling applications to help to accelerate the shift to a close-loop economy. In 2005, He established Miniwiz, an internationally operating company based in in Taiwan, Shanghai and Berlin, and dedicated to upcycling and consumer trash and industrial waste. Arthur is the foundation of everything at Miniwiz, from providing high-level guidance across the design disciplines as well as on innovative activities company-wide.

Miniwiz is a global leader in post-consumer recycling technology with applications that focus on building infrastructure and architectural solutions. For over 10 years, Miniwiz has been challenging the existing linear supply chain by using post-consumer recycled materials for high performance applications, retail store interiors, factory campuses and consumer goods.

Flaviano Celaschi is a Professor of Design at the University of Bologna



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