Vicente Pechuan Vilar, Alumnus of the Master in Business Administration Part-time Weekend, is an industrial engineer with a long career behind him between Spain, China and Italy, who found in the BBS path the push to embark on the entrepreneurial path and create his own project.
What is your professional career?
My profile is highly technical. I am an industrial engineer with a Master in Automotive Competition, in addition to the MBA obtained at Bologna Business School. I have worked for several years in the automotive world, particularly in engine management and control, in Spain, Italy and China. Then my professional path led me to what is the dream of many, as well as mine: motorcycle racing. I have played roles of a certain prestige in MotoGP and World Superbikes, traveling and knowing many different realities. All this until the desire to create something of my own has become more and more and, with the wealth of knowledge acquired during the MBA, I decided to bring together a team to develop Launchyoo, an international social network alternative to the big social networks that we all know. We are now in the post-launch stabilization phase and are planting the seeds for market expansion.
Why did you decide to continue your training and how did you choose BBS?
As I explained, my profile is technical, it has been since university studies and for my first ten years of career. But I have always felt the urge to manage projects, people and budgets on the one hand from a more transversal point of view and on the other the desire to create something of my own. To make a significant change in my professional life, I understood that it was necessary to broaden my knowledge through a high-level training course. I am Spanish but I have lived in Bologna for several years, and the choice on BBS was natural, considering the prestige of the name and the quality of faculty and programs.
In your opinion, what are the strengths of the Executive program?
The MBA provides a complete perspective, where preparation, skills and knowledge constitute fundamental daily baggage. Every day a memory, a feeling, a direction, learned during the Master is a sort of a guide to carry on this great and demanding project in the best possible way. In the Executive program we acquire knowledge that certainly does not guarantee professional success, nothing can do it, but that brings it as close as possible. Furthermore, it is a path that definitely tests; it is complex and demanding, this is undeniable, but it is only through these experiences that we get the best out of ourselves. Last but not least, networking which is amplified and the direct knowledge of very good people, as well as all the documents provided and to be consulted in the future, are aspects of great interest.
How do you feel to advise those who are about to choose BBS?
It is a demanding path, which requires a lot of time and effort, and is probably faced at an age in which mental elasticity and learning ability are lower than in school age. Social and family commitments must also make room for a new and very cumbersome travel companion. It must, therefore, be clear that it is not a walk. This I think is the main limit for those who do not feel like facing several months at a fast pace. Having said that, if there is the will to expand one’s knowledge through a more transversal preparation linked to the management of projects, people, budgets and companies, my advice is to go ahead. There are several reasons for pursuing a training course: improving one’s curriculum, job prospects in the immediate or future, expanding one’s knowledge for concrete professional or personal reasons … The important thing is that they are valid and strong reasons. My advice is then a wish: if this strength exists, then go ahead.
Vicente Pechuan Vilar – Spain
Master in Business Administration Part-time Weekend – Class 2015/2017