Valeria Rojas Nastrucci, Global MBA Innovation Management: “BBS transformed me in a professional able to understand change and transformation.”

1 April 2019

My name is Valeria Rojas Nastrucci, I am from Venezuela and I am an Alumna of the BBS Global MBA Innovation Management. Last year, during Graduation 2018, I had the honor and the privilege to represent my fellow graduates with my Farewell Speech, on the stage of the Aula Magna Santa Lucia.

My studies at BBS have trained and prepared me for a professional journey that, I’m sure, will take me very far. All this was made possible thanks to the School in which I found no limits in terms of interests, culture and dreams. This experience gave me the opportunity to meet people from all over the world who helped me shape a different approach on how to perceive and assess phenomena, challenges and perspectives. One of the best experiences this year was definitely the closeness to people from different countries and cultures. 

The BBS Global MBA has combined academic rigor, passion for Italy and its excellences and cultural sharing among students from 26 countries. To cite just a few examples, it was interesting to note how my Indian friends are used to move their heads to say yes or no in the opposite way to how it is done by Europeans, or how a dress code can be interpreted differently according to one’s country of origin.

Bologna Business School transformed me in a professional able to understand change and transformation. Today, I feel ready to face the digital revolution, globalization and its evolution. In this place, everything is unique. During the events organized by the School, my colleagues and I found ourselves debating issues such as artificial intelligence, soft power and the growth of emerging markets. This program helped me train myself professionally, so much so that I was guided towards my current job at Philip Morris International, a really important turning point in my career.

The School, my classmates and the knowledge I gained made me the person I am today. I wish everyone to achieve their highest goals and I am sure that in the future I will have the honor of saying that the managing director of an important international company or the founder of an important innovative startup, was a colleague of mine at BBS. In fact, I do not want to loose the network that I have built here and which is just as important as the professional skills I was able to get.

The experience of the Global MBA Innovation Management gave me the strength to believe in myself and to eliminate mental barriers. We all have strengths and weaknesses, but we can work to improve our approach to things, our attitude. Through this type of commitment, people get to achieve excellence, not only in the professional field, but also in private life.

Bologna Business School has taught me to add more and more value to myself, to never stop being curious, never interrupt creativity and to be prepared for future evolution. We have a great challenge ahead of us, and I firmly believe that education is the best way to keep up to date and to be sure that we will be able to adapt to change. I will always thank the Global MBA team and the professors who supported us on our journey, teaching us to ask ourselves why and to be increasingly ambitious.


I would like everyone to constantly keep in mind this phrase of Ghandi, which encompasses my journey in BBS: “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”.


Valeria Rojas Nastrucci – Venezuela

Global MBA Innovation Management

Class of 2016/2017




Innovation Management

Innovation Management


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