Fascinating stories of teenagers who have become millionaires starting from their garage, the prospect of being able to decide the destination forward which to direct a life, the possibility to escape the fences erected for us by others, the vision of changing the world (all in once or a little bit after another), the hope of creating a job where is none, to challenge ourselves. These and many others can be the motivations that push a person to throw himself, more or less integrally, into the journey of doing business.
Dynamic, determined up to the obstinacy, always ready to experiment, problem solver. The identikit of the perfect entrepreneur does not exist, just as there is no univocal way of doing business. The very concept of innovation, the primary currency of business exchange, does not necessarily define itself with profound technical knowledge, but from a set of relational skills, capacity of analysis and initiative, critical and lateral thinking.
Anyone can become an entrepreneur, we often hear people say. While it is true that the human being is naturally endowed with extraordinary potential, it is also correct to be aware of the skills and personal traits necessary to tackle this uphill path, often solitary, with a fair chance of reaching the summit and make a difference, for oneself and the reality that surrounds us.
Being an entrepreneur is very different from acting as an entrepreneur. While the canonical 40 hours workweek represent a considerable burden for employees and triggered a flourish of studies on the relationship with the decline in productivity, this discourse does not apply equally well to an entrepreneur, especially to a beginner. Before imagining the branding of our newborn company, it would be a good exercise to ask ourselves what we basically want, what kind of life are we building.
Do we want the freedom to work just on what interests us or more time for activities that do not foresee work? Is it the passion for our sector or for a well-being life that moves us? Do we want to feed our ego or simply help others? In the DNA of an entrepreneur there is undoubtedly an excellent sense of direction and a clear destination that acts as a lighthouse even in the most difficult situations. Being aware of the goal is the essential condition to move the first step.
Entrepreneurship is a fundamental part of our economy and it is a game that must be played with the utmost seriousness. Finding or creating a need and making it meet with our talent and creativity is not an easy task.
The fear of failure is a constant in the life of an entrepreneur, from the moment he decides the way to go, and for all the choices to come. Fear in itself is a healthy self-preservation instinct that keeps us away from risks, but it can also stop us from trying the countless Pindaric flights necessary to refine the product, our strategies and skills, and eventually change our path when we don’t get the expected outcomes.
The entrepreneur takes the initiative and reasons in terms of potential. Anything can become an idea and any idea an opportunity.
Relational skills are essential for any professional. In the specific case of an entrepreneur, these skills take on a different weight and are often the basis of the company’s success.
Setting up and running a business is in many ways a solitary battle that may not be understood by those around us, but at the same time it is not possible to imagine tackling it without the help of good collaborators. Organizational awareness, that is the ability to recognize the functioning of one’s own organization, to identify the necessary skills and the people who can bring them on board, is the conditio sine qua non to provide a solid foundation to an enterprise.
Being able to develop a team, to involve and convince other professionals about an idea, but above all to understand and support the vocation of others. An entrepreneur has a passion for people as much as he has a passion for results, making himself available both as a student and a teacher.
Creativity, innovation, the ability to think outside the box, are not elements that exclusively concern the product or service that the company intends to offer, but are an integral part of an entrepreneur’s approach to everyday life.
The transition from being an employee to the position of an entrepreneur confronts us with challenges that in our previous status were managed in an institutionalized and almost automatic way by those who had the needed skills. The temptation to reproduce the same modus operandi observed or learned in a consolidated company is legitimate, but it is most probable that the reality will forces us to look for alternative and highly creative approaches.
The entrepreneur thinks critically and questions the status quo, not only when the need arises but as a rule of life. Creativity is not just a tool but a way of interacting with one’s own context.
Act, fail, try again better. The true asset of an entrepreneur is to be found in his failures and the lessons he has learned from them, advancing each time a shot towards the goal.
The entrepreneur is required to possess a solid determination, combined with a continuous objective and realistic analysis of the current situation and future opportunities. In addition, it must develop the ability to transmit all this to the team, creating a corporate culture that transcends the market and the product, based on common and shared values that can serve as a guide. The ability of the company to react and resist to crises is a reflection of the same capabilities of its leader.
That of the entrepreneur is a creative vocation of immeasurable value for the community. Bologna Business School has developed, with the aim of training and inspiring a new generation of entrepreneurs, the Executive Master in Entrepreneurship. A course designed for the participants, focused on the entrepreneurial project of the individual entrepreneur.