People, not numbers

24 June 2024

The world of human resources is undergoing a profound transformation: people are no longer considered simply as numbers or resources to be utilized, but as individuals with unique talents and added value to offer organizations. The future of HR lies in finding the right balance between data analysis and recognizing the value of human resources.

Attracting talent has become, today, one of the most important challenges for companies. With increasing competition in the job market, it is essential to adopt innovative strategies to attract and retain the best talents. This means putting people at the centre of the selection and recruitment process, seeking to understand their motivations, aspirations, and career goals.

But it is not enough to attract the right talent, it is equally important to know how to retain resources in the company and invest in the training and skill development of employees. Retraining and internal repositioning have become crucial strategies to maximize internal human capital and ensure growth and competitiveness.

But how can these strategies be successfully implemented? First and foremost, it is essential to have a data-oriented approach to accurately analyze employee skills and competencies and identify gaps that need to be filled. Thanks to new technologies and human resource management software, large amounts of data can be collected and analyzed to guide a company’s decisions and planning.

Next, it is necessary to complement data analysis with a holistic view of human resources, considering not only technical skills but also employee’s soft skills, motivations, and personal goals. Only in this way will it be possible to create an inclusive work environment that values and supports the diversity and uniqueness of each individual.

Finally, marketing and leadership will play an increasingly important role within HR: organizations must be able to effectively communicate their brand identity and attractiveness as an employer to attract the best talents in the market. Moreover, HR leaders must be capable of driving organizational transformations and continuously innovating to meet the needs of a changing market.

The Master in HR & Organization at BBS, recognized in 2020 by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) as a program fully aligned with SHRM Curriculum Guidelines, in English and among the few EFMD-accredited programs, aims to train leaders of talent analysis and acquisition processes able to understand the complex dynamics behind this role and become leaders of change processes within the company.


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