Ottaviano Salerno: “The Global MBA Supercars, Superbikes and Motorsports is a continuous full-immersion in the Motor Valley.”

10 June 2019

My name is Ottaviano Salerno and during the Global MBA Supercars, Superbikes and Motorsports I had the opportunity to know two of the biggest companies in the automotive sector worldwide. On May 21 and 22, we visited the headquarters of Ducati and Toro Rosso. At the Scuderia Toro Rosso in Faenza we took part in the Racing Team Management lecture with Paolo Aversa, one of the leading experts in Strategic Management, while in Ducati we had the opportunity to visit the usually inaccessible racing department and to meet Davide Tardozzi, a former motorcycle rider, Italian sports manager and Team Manager of the official Ducati MotoGP team.

The Global MBA represents a fundamental step in my varied career path: my University studies have begun in Milan at the Luigi Bocconi Commercial University, where I attended a completely new Law Course in the Italian academic sector, destined to form corporate lawyers, simultaneously proposing the study of economic and legal disciplines.

The union of economic and legal skills is in my opinion a fundamental and necessary requirement for any business organization, since companies are constantly called upon to make legal decisions that have important implications for business opportunities and finances. At the same time, the companies are called to run a careful evaluation of the risks during their activity, especially when they intend to open up to international markets. The ambition to manage this aspect of the business has always been the key to my professional choices.

After graduating, I studied the various aspects of business activity at a law agency where I worked as a lawyer for seven years, until I decided to return to Bologna. So I started an Executive Master in Business Administration at Bologna Business School, which allowed me to reach an overview of the different areas of business management. As soon as I completed the Master, I was able to take on the role of General Counsel in a historic company that produces cosmetic products in the Bologna area.

I started my second path at BBS, the Global MBA, due to my strong passion for competitions and teamwork management, as well as the desire to further investigate the issues of corporate management. The Global MBA Supercars, Superbikes and Motorsports allowed me to immerse myself in the productive excellence of my territory, the so-called Motor Valley, the land of engines, with brands such as Dallara, DucatiFerrari, Lamborghini, Magneti Marelli, Maserati and Toro Rosso. During the course of the Master, I was able to enter into contact with the managers of these companies and understand the most relevant aspects of a highly competitive market, through new perspectives and points of view.

The BB Global MBA permits to understand the complexity of teamwork management among the convergence of corporate objectives, and it offers to students numerous opportunities to deepen their skills and to prepare them to deal with a highly diversified market in continuous evolution.


Ottaviano Salerno – Italy

Global MBA Supercars, Superbikes and Motorsports – Class of 2018/2019




Global MBA Supercars, Superbikes and Motorsports


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