“My name is Muhammad Gulrez Khan and I come from Pakistan. I have three bachelor degrees in Engineering, Journalism and International Business Administration. I’ve got the first two degrees in Pakistan and the last bachelor’s degree in Netherlands.
Recently, I have completed my MBA in China/Far East and Europe Business Relations in BBS”.
Why did you decide to apply for the MBA at Bologna Business School?
I was keen to do my masters in one of the most valuable business schools in the world, therefore I applied for the K.U. Leuven in Belgium, where I completed the first semester of my MBA but, while I was attending the MBA in Belgium, I received and letter from Bologna Business School saying that I had been admitted to their program too. I immediately withdrew my enrollment from K.U. Leuven and I moved to Italy to pursue my MBA at Bologna Business School, one of the best emerging business school in the world.
Please describe your experience here at BBS in a few words?
Opportunity to polish skills/abilities.
What was the most exciting moment throughout this year?
Team working and to handle and cope with cross cultural differences among different students at BBS.
What would you suggest to a future applicant to the Global MBA program?
I would suggest to choose wisely. The MBA at BBS is rigorous program, you will analyze yourself in term of skills, abilities, cultural differentiation and integration. Being a BBS students will allow you to collect a lot of knowledge and skills that would successfully lead you to any organization around the globe.
To what extent did this experience change you?
“Dreams rarely come true but the dreams with opened eyes often become true”
The right decision at the right time does change the path, vision, and mission of a person. The MBA at BBS has changed and leveraged my vision and mission to very high extent of my dreams.
What memory will you cherish the most from this experience?
The MBA lectures arranged by BBS with top managers and to have a director like Prof. Giorgio Prodi for the China/Far East and Europe Business Relations concentration are the best memories that I will cherish the rest of my life.
Thanks BBS.