The Dialogues allows participants to meet with personalities from the world of business and culture that have achieved excellence in their respective fields. They are an opportunity to learn about their growth path and the challenges they have faced.
What was the most important skill for your career?
Empathy in the work process. The technical knowledge, knowing how to do things, is crucial to be able to create new projects. Followed by lots and lots of patience.
To what extent have the management skills been important to leading your business?
There are two areas, one is strictly managerial, how to handle new projects. The other, seeing as it’s a studio based on creative work, means a huge psychological value in relationships with people. Therefore, the human resources management becomes a decisive factor. The ability to communicate, to have empathy with people is very important for the team work. So, there is both an empathic and a classical managerial skill, both of them need to be commanded expertly.
Mario Cucinella, born in 1960, founded Mario Cucinella Architects in Paris in 1992 and in Bologna in 1999. He has received major awards in international competitions since the beginning of the business’s activities. Mario Cucinella has a solid background in architectural design and leads a team of architects and engineers from various countries, with particular attention to energy issues and the environmental impact of buildings. The firm is active in industrial design and technological research – through partnerships with universities and research programs of the European Commission – to which it devotes a special internal unit.Among the most significant projects: the SIEEB – Sino-Italian Ecological and Energy efficient Building – Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; the new Civic Offices of Bologna; the CSET – Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies – The University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China; the new headquarters of 3M ITALY Milan; the project of Regional Agency for the Environment ARPA in Ferrara; a Kuwait School, in Gaza, developed in partnership with UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East).
Ph. MCA Archive
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