Light years away, the era of the right man at the right time, doing business today means anticipating the times, with far-sightedness and an overall vision. How? Combining past and present and exploring every possibility to contaminate contexts and knowledge. At the top of the companies we no longer find the engineers with a specific sectoral background, but entrepreneurs with a vision in continuous evolution, where both methods and objectives are constantly redefined and challenged.
A fluid approach, where innovation emerges as the essential sine qua non of the business models and consequently, the rules of the competition that dominate every single area. This continuous exploration requires new professional figures who can govern and calibrate discipline and experimentation, setting leadership goals that look beyond their fields, in constant creative tension to strengthen competitive advantage and seize new opportunities.
Innovation as a challenge is at the center of the education offered by Bologna Business School, which offers to managers and professionals specialization paths aimed at dominating this flow of continuous change. Starting from the Executive Master in Technology and Innovation Management (EMTIM), where “you learn to learn”, according to Executive Director Andrea Pontremoli, which allows you to understand the present to design the future by transmitting to its participants a dynamic and interdisciplinary approach.
Anyone wishing to think about their business organization based on the logic of sustainability, circular economy and social innovation will find in the Executive Master in Sustainability and Business Innovation the only path in Italy to introduce social innovation at a strategic level. The new strategic asset for the development of a company must be given by ethics – said the Scientific Director Matteo Mura.
How to transform the opportunities linked to innovation into business objectives are the basis of the Executive Master in Business Innovation Design, which interprets the managerial words in terms of synergy between knowledge. “Design-centered practices and cultures are fundamental to integrate the B2B and the B2C worlds that meet and merge in the context of the digital revolution”, explains Scientific Director Flaviano Celaschi.
BBS as a multiplier of opportunities, therefore, for those professionals who aspire to be change-makers, and who do not believe in a single recipe for the success of a company, but are willing to use the various ingredients with new combinations.