Pursuant to article 13 of European Regulation no. 679/2016 and any subsequent applicable regulations, we inform you that the Fondazione Bologna University Business School (hereinafter also referred to as “BBS”) shall process your data for the purposes specified below, in compliance with the provisions concerning personal data protection.
1. Data supplied for the performance of the contract or the use of a service
BBS processes your personal contact data concerning your educational qualification, the company or the body you belong to for the performance of the contract to which you are party and to allow you to use the required service or activity.
In this case, you shall not be required to provide a specific agreement to the processing of the data above, since the lawful basis legitimating their processing consists in taking steps prior to entering into a contract or in the performance of a contract to which you are party.
In any case, any refusal by you to provide the above-mentioned data, as well as your request to have them deleted, would determine the impossibility for BBS to satisfy your request and to provide (or continue to provide) the service you required.
We also inform you that BBS shall store the name, the surname, the date and place of birth of its students or former students, in order to issue certificates, degrees or certifications concerning the attendance to the Courses or Masters.
1.1 Data retention
The contact personal data concerning the educational qualifications, the company or body you belong to that you provided for the performance of a contract or to use a service shall be processed by BBS for the purposes described above under paragraph 1, for the time necessary to fulfill the contract or to use the required service.
Should the above-mentioned data be provided at the precontractual stage (for example when requesting information), the processing of such data shall not exceed two years, in order to allow a correct and more effective management of the precontractual relationship existing with you, also in order to refer to possible economic offers dedicated to you.
In the event of enrollment in courses, Masters, fee-based services or in any case subject to scholarships or similar allocations, the contact personal data concerning the educational qualifications, the company or body you belong to and the information related to the contract or to the provided service, including the tax and administrative documents, shall be processed up to 10 years after the expiration of the contract performance, of the use of the service or the term of payment, exclusively to ensure the tax, accounting and administrative statutory fulfillments, except when longer terms are provided for, which cannot be determined beforehand, as a consequence of different conditions of lawfulness of the processing (for example, judicial actions requiring processing for a period exceeding 10 years).
1.2 Audiovisual data and images
Bologna University Business School informs you that the lessons or the event that you attend may be filmed and photographed by its staff or by third parties engaged for this purpose.
Therefore the processing may concern your images, also captured by audiovisual media that could be, for example communicated, disseminated, reworked and assembled in new and different multimedia contents, also through the Internet, in order to document the Event/Workshop or the activities of Bologna University Business School.
For the processing of your images, also captured by means of audiovisual filming, we ask you to provide a specific consent, also in compliance with the law provisions on copyright. Technical requirements, among which the impossibility to identify and distinguish among all participants those who provided their consent to be filmed or photographed from those who disagreed, force us to ask for your consent to the processing of audiovisual data, which is an essential prerequisite for the attendance at the event.
2. Data provided for information purpose of the activities carried out by BBS and for promotional purposes
If you wish to keep in contact with BBS in order to be informed on the organized events, activities, services, commercial and promotional offers by BBS, also by way of newsletters, we ask you to give your consent to the processing of personal and contact data for information and promotional purposes, after filling in the fields below with the additional data and information requested.
If you had already provided the data and information specified in the fields below, you have not to provide them again, since it is sufficient that you renew your consent or that you express your refusal to the processing for the purposes under consideration. In the event that you do not make a choice and do not provide a previous valid consent to processing, your data shall not be processed for information and promotional purposes.
2.1 Contact methods
In order to contact you for information and promotional purposes, we will be allowed to use both automated means, such as e-mail and SMS, as well as paper mail and telephone.
2.2 What happens if you do not provide your consent?
Failure to provide your consent for the information and promotional purposes above, BBS shall not be able to inform you about its events, services offered or possible commercial and promotional offers dedicated to you.
2.3 Communications via e-mail for services similar to those already required
In the event that you do not explicitly express your refusal, if it is provided for by the law, BBS shall be entitled to use, also without your consent, the e-mail address you provided at the time of your request of a BBS service, in order to send you information and promotional communications concerning services similar to those envisaged by the service itself. In this case, the promotional communications sent in this way will feature a link allowing you to unsubscribe the service in a simple way, in order to ensure the exercise of your right to stop the processing.
2.4 Data retention relating the information and promotional activities
BBS shall process the personal and contact data you provided for the information and commercial purposes above for a maximum of two years from the issue of your consent or, in any case, from the collection of your data. The consent to this processing can be revoked at any time, without prejudice to your right to obtain the deletion of your data as better specified in the section “Rights of the data subject” below.
2.5 Consent to profiling for information and promotional activities
Profiling means the automated processing of your personal data in order to evaluate and analyze your personal preferences, your interests and your educational, curriculum and professional path.
If you wish so, you may provide your consent to the processing of your data, including the curriculum and professional ones, your personal preferences and interests that you have supplied to BBS, by means of profiling for the following purposes:
2.6 What happens if you do not provide your consent to profiling?
Failure to provide your specific consent to processing through profiling, BBS shall not be allowed to organize services and events that are more suitable and based on the needs and interests of its users, and will not be able to dedicate customized offers to you, which are more consistent with your educational and curriculum path, without prejudice to the right to process your data for information and promotional purposes (without profiling) in the event that you provided your consent to this purpose.
2.7 Data retention related to the profiling activities
BBS shall carry out profiling activities on your data for the above-mentioned information and promotional purposes for a maximum period of one year from the release of your consent, without prejudice to the processing time of two years for information and promotional purposes (without profiling) for which you may have given your consent.
Upon expiry of this period, your data related to the featured preferences, your résumé and your professional activity will be deleted, except in the case that the processing of the above-mentioned data is not legitimated for other purposes or should you prefer to renew your consent to the processing.
3. Internship and placement activities for students enrolled at Courses and Masters. Communication of data to third parties.
BBS offers its students enrolled at Courses and Masters the possibility of being contacted by third parties that may be interested in proposing them internship and placement activities.
Through this activity, BBS aims at working as a facilitator in the process of matching labor demand and supply.
If you express your consent, BBS is entitled to communicate to third parties requesting them your personal and contact data, your curriculum and professional data and the information relating to the Course or the Master you attend for the purpose above.
The third parties to which your data could be communicated have their registered office in the European Union.
3.1 What happens if you do not provide your consent?
Failure to provide your consent for the above-mentioned internship and placement purpose, BBS shall not be authorized to bring you into contact with third parties interested in proposing internship and placement activities.
3.2 Data retention
Your data shall be processed by BBS for the purposes under paragraph 3 for the period of one year from the end of the Course or Master, coinciding with the final examination or, where it is not envisaged, with the last lesson of the Course or Master.
Upon expiry of this period, your data related to the featured preferences, your résumé and your professional activity will be deleted, except in the case that the processing of the above-mentioned data is not legitimated for other purposes or should you prefer to renew your consent to the processing.
4. Statistical activities and market researches also through profiling
If you give your consent, BBS shall be entitled to use the data you provided, including those relating to your education, profession and expressed interests and preferences, to carry out statistics and market researches, also in aggregated form and through profiling, aimed at understanding and defining the preferences of data subjects, the performance of its enrolled students, as well as the level of efficiency and satisfaction of its Courses, Masters or events, also in order to improve the services that are supplied.
The processing of your data for this purpose could imply the processing of statistics concerning the attendance to the Courses or Masters, the professional employment of its students after their conclusion, their career, the level of satisfaction for the Course or Master, the verification at the Registers of Companies of the Chambers of Commerce of any participation, position and role taken on within the companies.
4.1 What happens if you do not provide your consent?
Failure to provide your consent to the purpose above, BBS shall not be entitled to carry out statistical activities and researches aimed at improving the supplied services and at evaluating the efficiency and the satisfaction level of its Courses, Masters or events.
4.2 Data retention
BBS will carry out a profiling activity of your data, including those relating to your education, profession and expressed interests and preferences, for the above-mentioned purposes, also through profiling, for the maximum period of one year from the release of your consent.
Upon expiry of this period, your data related to the featured preferences, your résumé and your professional activity will be deleted, except in the case that the processing of the above-mentioned data is not legitimated for other purposes or should you prefer to renew your consent to the processing.
5. Methods of processing
BBS shall carry out the processing of personal data by means of paper and IT methods.
We wish to inform you that BBS shall not submit your data to automated decision-making processing that produces legal effects or that similarly affect you, pursuant to article 22 of the European Regulation no. 679/2016.
6. Data Controller
The Data Controller is the “Fondazione Bologna University Business School” having its registered office in Villa Guastavillani, Via degli Scalini 18, Bologna (BO), number of enrollment in the Register of Juridical Persons at the Prefecture of Bologna 729, page 118, vol. 5, VAT registration number 02095311201. The person delegated to provide a feedback to the data subject in case of exercise of the rights under articles 15-21 of the (EU) Regulation no. 679/2016 is the Chief Operating Officer (also referred to as “C.O.O.”), whose contact data are available at the following link www.bbs.unibo.eu/contacts/
7. Data processors and communication of your data to third parties
The subjects or the categories of subjects specified in the website www.bbs.unibo.eu/legal/ are appointed as data processors pursuant to article 4 of the above-mentioned European Regulation no. 679/2016 and therefore they can process and gain knowledge of the data you have supplied.
For this purpose, please take note that BBS appoints as data processors the subjects with the following tasks:
a) management of the relationships with customers and, more generally, with third parties, also for accounting and administrative purposes;
b) management of communications, including marketing and promotional ones, and the supply of information, promotional and profiling services;
c) management of its archives, including IT-based management. Among the above-mentioned subjects, appointed as external data processors, the company Salesforce.com Italy S.r.L. having its registered office in Milan, Piazzale Biancamano no. 8 already features as one, as well as the subjects that each time will carry out the activities specified under letters a), b) and c).
8. Data Protection Officer
BBS appointed its Data Protection Officer, whom you can contact at the following address: dpo@bbs.unibo.it
You can contact the Data Protection Officer for any issue relating to the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights resulting from the European Regulation no. 679/2016.
9. Place of data processing
BBS carries out the processing of your data in Italy.
Some of the appointed Data Processors have their own registered office or they process your personal data also in countries other than Italy but, in any case, within the European Union
10. Rights of the data subject
You can exercise the rights recognized under articles 15-21 of the European Regulation no. 679/2016, among which the right to ask the Data Controller the access to personal data, to have them rectified or deleted, as well as the limitation of processing of data related to you.
10.1 Right to object
You are also entitled to object to the processing of your data, in full or in part, under article 21 of the above-mentioned Regulation no. 679/2016, by revoking the consent to the processing at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation. The right to object cannot be exercised for those data with regard to which BBS proves the existence of prevailing lawful reasons to carry out the processing (such as accounting and administrative reasons, to exercise the defense right, etc.).
10.2 Right to data portability
You are also entitled to data portability in compliance with the provisions set out in article 20 of the Regulation no. 679/2016. According to the right to data portability, BBS is entitled to receive, in structured, commonly used and machine readable formats, your personal data, the processing of which has been carried out by BBS with automated means and based on a contract or on consent.
You are also entitled to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority, pursuant to article 77, paragraph 1 of the (EU) Regulation no. 679/2016, that in Italy is the “Data Protection Commissioner”.
10.3 Methods to exercise the rights
The exercise of rights can be made by sending a communication to the premises of the Fondazione Bologna University Business School indicated in paragraph 6 above (Data Controller) or to the e-mail address gdpr@bbs.unibo.it