Bologna Business School is among the protagonists of the docuseries “Tech Emotion – Empower Human Potential” available online on Rai Play and SkyTG24.
Reconciling technology and humanism is one of the most important challenges of our time. Technological innovation has accompanied human evolution since its beginnings, offering opportunities and stimulating questions. The nature and impact of the great transformations of recent years are at the center of a reflection that ranges between the two opposite poles of fear of the unknown and enthusiasm for new opportunities.
In Italy, the union between the two worlds has often materialized throughout history, opening the field to ideas that have inspired and innovated the world. Humanism and the Renaissance were born here and have fostered new approaches to the world of knowledge and brought about real revolutions in thought.
For this reason, in Italy it is possible to meet situations that connect a strong penchant for human potential and a marked attitude towards the latest technological developments. The docuseries “TECH.EMOTION – EMPOWER HUMAN POTENTIAL” recounts these realities through a dialogue with figures from the world of academia, business and innovation that aims to highlight the link between technological evolution and modern learning systems, emphasizing the importance of enhancing human skills in an increasingly digital world.
The fifth episode of the docuseries, entitled “The Learning Evolution“, introduced Bologna Business School among the hosts. Dean Max Bergami and Alec Ross, Distinguished Adjunct Professor at BBS, discussed the role of the School as a center of relationships and knowledge, an accelerator of innovation for the territory and the country.
What are the next goals in education? Study and work are now united in a process of continuous learning, put into play by the fruitful relationship between technology and new training models. In this union lies the desire to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities to express themselves at their best. Innovation and technology can be the foundation for a new “learning evolution” for future generations of thinkers. Creativity, a fundamental characteristic of the leaders of the future, can be the engine of a shared and evolving knowledge system.
The docuseries gives voice to the Italian excellences of business, culture, and science that, with their constant work, combine innovation and humanism giving space to the exchange and cross-fertilization of different knowledge sets to create value.
The fifth episode is available online on Rai Play, SkyTG24 e Now TV.
“Tech.Emotion – Empower Human Potential” was created by Facebook and by Emotion Network and co-produced with Lotus Production