Marketing Effectiveness Through Customer Journeys

Jun 16 2019 - 16 giugno - Bologna Business aSchool - Via degli Scalini 18

From June 16 to 18, Bologna Business School will host the meeting of over 50 international university professors and managers from all over the world, for three days dedicated to the Customer Journey and the management of channels and touchpoints. During the conference Marketing Effectiveness Through Customer Journeys, the experts will discuss about the effectiveness of marketing tools in the various phases of an increasingly multi-channel purchasing process.

The multitude of touchpoints, the integration between online and offline channels, artificial intelligence and the multitude of data available, characterize the current competitive context. The new IT tools and advanced CRM systems make it possible to map and represent the customer’s purchase process from the first contact with the company, thus allowing an integrated multi-channel consumer management. Faced with such an opportunity, managers wonder about which marketing tools are most effective in which phase of the purchasing process and in which channels, and how to measure the return on marketing investment, even in the face of renewed attention of the legislator and consumers on the protection of privacy.

The appointment will open at FICO Eataly World on Sunday, June 16, with a speech given by the General Manager of CAAB Alessandro Bonfiglioli, while on Monday 17 and Tuesday 18, seminars will be held at Bologna Business School.

Among the guests, three keynote speakers from the most prestigious universities in the world, Professors: Alessandro Acquisti, Kusum Ailawadi and Scott Neslin. Ailwadi and Neslin will present the new challenges in terms of marketing effectiveness, database marketing and multichannel retailing. Professor Acquisti, among the world’s leading experts on behavioral economics of privacy, will address this issue with a focus on how individuals decide what to share online and the economic implications of this behavior; a theme of central importance given the growing frequency of corporate data breach events and one year after the entry into force of the GDPR in Europe.

Sara Valentini, Associate Dean for Alumni di BBS, declares: “It is a high level scientific research event that demonstrates, once again, the ability of BBS to support initiatives that involve the best international talents on topics of great interest for the community and the BBS Core Faculty, to act in the front line in the international scientific debate. The issues that will be addressed are of strategic importance for all companies that want to improve the profitability of their customer base by exploiting the potential of digital but at the same time not denying the origins and dimensions of excellence that are often expressed in traditional channels “.


The event is organized in collaboration with the Department of Management of the University of Bologna and the University of Amsterdam, with the support of Procter & Gamble.


Click here for the complete program of the event.

The participation in the event is possible upon invitation.


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