Innovation Talks. Michela Petronio

Nov 18 2019 - 6 pm - Bologna Business School - Via degli Scalini 18 - Bologna

The second appointment of the Innovation Talks of Bologna Business School is dedicated to the challenge of sustainability in the Food sector: speaking about it will be Michela Petronio, Vice President of the Blu1877 project, venture capital fund and innovation hub, launched by the Barilla Group to involve startups and accelerators international projects related to the food future of our planet.

“Making innovation in the Food sector is not easy because we must combine the need to look to the future with our enormous food and agriculture tradition. However in Italy we are far ahead when it comes to sustainability, healthy food and alternative ingredients” said Michela Petronio in a recent interview.

With a degree in Food Preparation Science, Michela Petronio joined Barilla in 1992 as a Product Development Technologist and since then has held various positions within the Research and Development department. During his career he has coordinated national and European research projects, and participated in international conferences, filing some patents in the Food Technologies area.

Her Innovation Talk entitled “Inspiring Innovation: Blu1877 and the future of food”, will be held on Monday 18 November at 6pm at Bologna Business School.

The event, dedicated to BBS Community, will be held in Italian and English with simultaneous translation.

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Download the invitation to the event Innovation Talks. Michela Petronio


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