Arturo Bueno: “The experience at BBS helped me to raise the bar of any other goal I previously had.”

21 May 2018

My name is Arturo Bueno, I’m Mexican and I graduated from the Master in Marketing Communication and New Media at Bologna Business School. After finishing my university studies in Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Veracruz, I had the opportunity to carry out professional practices in the Marketing and Sales department of a textile manufacturer and exporter in Turkey. After the conclusion of this project I collaborated with an Ad Network where I had the chance to get a closer look at the online advertising and digital marketing industry, and that’s when I decided to complete my professional profile studying at BBS.


Being able to live in a beautiful country like Italy, of course, it was one of my motivations, but I also choose to study here due to its complete program that mixes theory with real-life experience, their professional network linking students with international companies and the mandatory internship as part of the master. Not to mention that the lessons were held completely in English, offers scholarships and had people from all around the world attending it.

I remember the very first day at the BBS, being able to be in one of its beautiful classrooms, in a Villa on the top of a hill in Bologna, learning from people that are not just professors but very experienced professionals sharing with you their knowledge and real-life experiences. This was just something invaluable. And of course, there are your classmates; this international group of people with whom you will share something more than time, you will learn from them and they will learn from you, they will motivate you to do better and to push yourself harder, because they have similar objectives, they are well prepared and they are international citizens that known no borders and have no fear of new challenges. I can say that personally, this experience helped me to raise the bar of any other goal I previously had.

I’m currently working at Caffeina, a creative digital agency based in Parma, recently positioned by Deloitte as the Fastest Growing Tech Company in Italy. Having the opportunity to work in a constantly growing agency it’s a chance to keep learning and to prove myself in a dynamic environment, surrounded by highly skilled young professionals that are always willing to share with you their ideas and a cup of coffee.

To conclude I would just like to say that attending this master gave me the tools I needed to keep growing not only as a professional but also as an individual. The people I met, the things I learned and the experience of living in this amazing country will always be the best lessons I ever had.


Arturo Bueno – Mexico

Master in Marketing, Communication and New Media – Class of 2015/2016


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