Bologna Business School Bologna
Business School


About the opportunities

Bologna Business School and Ferrari, the iconic luxury car manufacturer, offer an exceptional education and work opportunity for taltented women engineers and IT specialists. Ferrari has contributed to the Scholarship Program of the Global MBA of Bologna Business School.
To 5 oustanding women with STEM degrees receiving a Scholarship for the Global MBA Supercars, Superbikes and Motorsports of BBS, Ferrari will offer a work opportunity, that will start at the end of the Master program.

Next application deadline for the Global MBA Bologna Business School:
3 September 2019.


key facts

Applications deadline

3 September 2019

Selection process

6 September 2019


September 2019

Scholarship Description

Bologna Business School and Ferrari are offering a unique education and work opportunity for exceptional women candidates with an outstanding academic background in STEM subjects (Science, Tecnology, Engineering and Mathematics).
Ferrari has contributed to the Fellowship Program of the Global MBA of Bologna Business School, the Business School of the University of Bologna.
The Master is a 12 months international full-time program, with EPAS Accreditation. The MBA Program includes one Concentration in Supercars, Superbikes and Motorsports, a unique specialization in the management of the high-end automotive sector.

Ferrari will offer a work opportunity to 5 selected women candidates receiving a Scholarship for the Global MBA in Supercars, Superbikes and Motorsports of Bologna Business School. For selected candidates, the work contract with Ferrari will start at the completion of the Master program, to collaborate to the success of the Organization in its different Departments.


Eligibility criteria for the Global MBA BBS

In order to participate to the opportunity, women candidates should first apply to the Global MBA of BBS, satisfying the following eligibility requirements:

  • a Bachelor’s Degree (must have been obtained at least two years before the enrolment deadline) in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) or similar degrees
  • 2+ years of qualified work experience
  • English language proficiency (no certificates required)


Applying Procedures

For taking advantage of this work opportunity with Ferrari, eligible candidates should first submit their application to the Global MBA in Superbikes, Superbikes and Motorsports of Bologna Business School within the deadline of Tuesday 3 September 2019.

The work opportunities within Ferrari will be reserved to up to 5 women candidates receiving a Scholarship for the Global MBA Supercars, Superbikes and Motorsports of BBS. The selection process for the work opportunities will be undertaken by the HR Division of Ferrari in September 2019.


Additional information

Email contact BBS:


Fondazione Bologna University Business School ·
P.I.- C.F. 02095311201

Global MBA

Supercars, Superbikes and Motorsports

Enter your name, last name, e-mail and download the MBA Call.

Global MBA

Supercars, Superbikes and Motorsports

Enter your name, last name, e-mail and download the MBA Call.