A bootcamp organized by BBS for the children of the BBS Community members during the Graduation 2018 & XII Alumni Reunion
BBS Fun Coding Kids Bootcamp is a training program in which kids learn and experience basic aspects of programming (coding) and computational thinking through playful activities that progressively lead them to the realization of a project, working in groups and interacting with each other, in addition to that with the wizards code that will guide them in the path.
The course draws its inspiration from the philosophy of ‘Learn to code, code to Learn‘, using the computer as a construction tool. The computer as Clay.
During the bootcamp activities, the aspects of creativity, making, exploration/tinkering, interaction and integration of the principles of computational thinking will be considered central, with the support of knowledge and didactic competences different from the IT ones.
The bootcamp, designed for children aged 7 to 11, will be held in Italian at Villa Guastavillani, Via degli Scalini 18, for a total of 16 hours of activity, divided as follows:
This initiative is reserved for the children of the members of the BBS Community (students, alumni, faculty and staff) and is free of charge.
To register your kids pleas send the registration form that you can download here to: valentina.lodi@bbs.unibo.it. Participation is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Chi sono i code wizard:
Alessandro Ricci is associated professor at Department of Computer Science: Science and Engineering (DISI), Bologna University, and is s teacher at Degree Courses in Engineering and Computer Science, Cesena. Since May 2015 is director of CRIAD, institution for Ser.In.Ar, dedicated to education projects on computer science, in collaboration with the University.
Angelo Croatti is a researcher at the Department of Computer Science: Science and Engineering (DISI) of the University of Bologna. Graduated with honors in Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Bologna, he received a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from the same university. For over four years he has collaborated with the CRIAD for the promotion and provision of Computational Thinking and Coding activities.
Laura Tarsitano, a graduate in Engineering and Computer Science, is a CRIAD Coding Referent – CRIAD section dedicated to the provision of training activities related to Coding, Computational Thinking and Tinkering for children and young people from kindergarten to high school, and for teachers of every order and degree.
For further information please contact Valentina Lodi, coordinator of activities, the number: +39 051 2090143 or by sending an e-mail to valentina.lodi@bbs.unibo.it.