From digital to printed paper: the QuaranTalks are now a book published by Il Mulino

11 August 2020

Forty dialogues with forty guests for forty minutes each, with a closing party with a live stream DJ set by Benny Benassi. With this initiative, BBS involved its community in a series of virtual dialogues live on Instagram from March 26 to May 4, hosted by Barbara Carfagna, Andrea Pezzi, Andrea Pontremoli and Max Bergami.

The QuaranTalks book was published by Il Mulino and is dedicated to Alex Zanardi. It contains the dialogues, originally in live-streaming, keeping the question-answer formula, and recalls the crucial facts that marked those 40 days that we will never be able to forget.

“The participation and enthusiasm we perceived around the QuaranTalks is one of the reasons that pushed us to publish the book – recounts Max Bergami the Dean of BBS – not only to leave a memory of our journey together, but also and foremost to think more in depth on some of the most relevant topics our guests addressed. Even in the era of digital and virtual, we still believe the printed paper has its own magic: to make you ponder”.

The QuaranTalks took place during the difficult lockdown period, to which BBS reacted transferring all its educational activities to the virtual mode, since February 27, to then accompany the quarantine of its Community with daily meetings with Italian and international guests such as Eric Schmidt, Alec Ross, Lucia Annunziata, Guido Barilla, Brunello Cucinelli, Alon Wolf, Romano Prodi and Emma Marcegaglia.

“In over nine hundred years of our history we had never had the need to close the University of Bologna, not even during the wars – recounts Francesco Ubertini, the Rector, in the book preface. “During the lockdown BBS, thanks to its flexibility and efficiency, reacted in record time and it was the first institution to move its activities online, thus offering our University a valuable experience for the resumption of all the other activities. It is an experience to treasure. I’m sure that reading this book you will draw inspiration from the many, rich inputs it contains and that make us think of a community that can react and feel vibrant even in troubled times”.

The QuaranTalks book is available in bookstores and online.

Click here to watch the dialogues

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TG1, 06/09/2020

Corriere della sera




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