
italiana Associate Professor of Management University of Bologna Adjunct Faculty
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Marco Visentin is Associate Professor of Management and Marketing at the University of Bologna. His research interests include consumer behavior, customer relationship management, diffusion processes advertising, brand management and business ethics. Marco Visentin has published on international scholarly journals such as the Journal of the Operational Research Society, Industrial Marketing Management, Industry & Innovation, the Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, the International Journal of Market Research, the Journal of Sport Management, the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services and Business Ethics: a European Review.


In mature markets, characterized by a high competitive intensity, customer satisfaction, as a forerunner of loyalty and profitability, plays a central role in the construction of a successful business model. The aim of the course is to make participants aware of the main approaches and measurement tools for customer satisfaction currently utilized in advanced business contexts, as well as the related implementation procedures, highlighting the strong operational relationship existing between these methods and the marketing decision-making processes.


Sales and Marketing

CORE COURSE – In mercati maturi e caratterizzati da una elevata e costante intensità competitiva la customer satisfaction, in quanto precursore di fedeltà e profittabilità, riveste un ruolo di assoluta centralità nella costruzione di un business model di successo. Lo scopo del corso è di rendere i partecipanti consapevoli dei principali approcci e strumenti di misura della customer satisfaction oggi utilizzati in contesti di business avanzati, nonché dei relativi percorsi di implementazione, evidenziando il forte legame operativo esistente fra questi metodi e i processi decisionali di marketing management e sales.

The course is aimed at introducing the basic concept of marketing and distribution channel management. In detail, after an introduction to the marketing concept and orientation, the strategic approach to marketing is presented (i.e. innovation and new product development, managing the product life-cycle, the strategic sequence STP – segmentation, targeting and positioning), and then the 4 Ps (Product, Place, Price and Promotion) are analyzed focusing on distribution decisions. Practical application are presented by analyzing data on sales in grocery stores in the business to consumer context (modeled with linear and multinomial legit models), and data on buyer-seller relationships in the business to business framework.