
Tobias Flinspach
GERMANY Member of the Board of Directors Hilti Family Foundation Adjunct Faculty

Since 2019 he is Member of the Board of Trustees HILTI Family Foundation Liechtenstein and he is the Co-Founder and Director of PMC – The Performance Man-agement Company GmbH, Munich and St. Gallen; Spin Off University Sankt Gallen (2010). At BBS, he is Lecturer in Management since 2016. He has been retaining the same role at the University St. Gallen since 2012. Tobias holds a PhD from the University Göttingen. His work consists in advising interna-tional companies in the area of financial leadership and strategic manage-ment. Throughout his professional career, he has worked for medium and large companies in Europe, Americas and the Middle East. He is also an advi-sor to the United Nations and the Federal Network Agency. Trainer and coach in company-specific programs as well as national and international Ex-ecutive MBA programs. Current book project on Management with OKRs to-gether with John Doerr (Venture Capitalist of Google) and several publications on financial leadership and performance management. He co-develops, teaches and im-plements the St. Gallen Performance Management Model ( In 2017, he received the Bitkom University Award “Best Process Architecture”.


Performance is the core concept of the automotive and superbikes industry. Performances are strictly connected not only to competitions, but also to the series production, where performances represent one of the main characteristics of the products.

The course analyses the concept of performance and focus on different methodologies for measuring and managing a performance in all the process that characterizes the industry of supercars and superbikes.

The main topics covered will be: economic and financial information for managing  a competitive benefit; models for the analysis of the economic and financial performance; parameters for the evaluation of company profitability; financial and strategic sustainability of the company performance.