
Nereo Sciutto
Italy CEO & Co-Founder Webranking Extended Faculty
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CEO and cofounder of Webranking – – Italy’s largest independent digital media agency. Webranking is the partner of large Italian and international groups and brands in their promotion on digital channels, worldwide. Founded in 1998, it is not only successful but has been listed among the best places to work in Europe according to Great Place To Work. A computer engineer, he has been on the front lines in our country for more than 25 years as a consultant and popularizer of marketing and communication issues on digital channels. He is an adjunct professor in BBS and Unimore and collaborates with several business schools to design study paths that can generate opportunities for new generations. He has been a board member of IAB Italy for 6 years. Latest publication: “The Art of SEO: User First” (Hoepli, 2017) where he explores the deep relationship established between SEO and UX (User Experience).


The purpose of the course in Digital Analytics is to provide the most widespread analysis methods used in the field of web marketing. The course will explain analytics, starting from the definition of the objectives and KPI onto advanced report and data visualization. It will also include a strong technical and informatic component through which it will be possible to implement various analytics strategies. Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics will be the main instruments available.

This course explore how search marketing works, both SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and paid search. Web analytics and CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) topics are also covered as well as: industry main player and trends, software tools, testing methodological approach. Students will also be challenged to test the theories through real business cases.

Digital Marketing and Communication