
Director SCM Landi Renzo Core Faculty

Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Bologna with subsequent in-depth studies at leading Italian business schools
He spent the first 10 years of his career in the automotive world with a path that led him to become first logistics manager in Automobili Lamborghini and then SCM manager in Ferrari from 2000 to 2005 with a particular focus on Supply Chain and Lean sharing and development.
From 2006 to 2012 he moved to the world of luxury goods, becoming Operations Director in Bulgari gioielli and then SCM Director in Gucci group, gaining important experiences in the global arena, both as production and distribution.
Returning to the world of mechanics as SCM Director in Bonfiglioli Riduttori, he was as SCM & OPX Director an active part of the team that oversaw the re-launch of Acciai Speciali Terni , Italy’s oldest large steel plant, introducing an innovative lean transformation, awarded with the 2019 Kaizen Award.
Community leader Lean of Confindustria Umbria has coordinated lean culture dissemination activities in the region and has written a book on the topic
For more than 20 years he has carried out communication and testimony activities at BBS, SDA, Polimi and UNIVAQ
Collaborates with BBS for the Digital Innovation course and serves as Senior Advisor in the areas of Supply Chain and Operational Excellence


The course addresses the adoption of digital technologies in operations and supply chain management. They have radically changed both the operating conditions of companies and the competitive connotations, determining what has been called by many parties the “fourth industrial revolution.” Although the technological specificities will not be addressed, the essential elements will be provided to appreciate the effects determined by their application in situations where they have been integrated and have developed synergistic impact.

• The evolution of digital technologies
• Introduction of the leading technologies (IoT, BlockChain, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence)
• The impact of new technologies: Industry 4.0
• The organizational changes imposed for their adoption
• Achievable results in terms of value creation

Supply Chain and Operations