
Angelo Paletta
ITALY Full Professor of Business Administration University of Bologna Core Faculty
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​Angelo Paletta is a Full Professor of Business Administration and Head of the Department, Department of Management of the University of Bologna. He is ProRector for “Budget, strategic planning and process innovation”; President of the University Technical Scientific Committee for Social and Sustainability Report; Member of the “University Brand and Sponsorship Commission” at the University of Bologna; Representative of the University in the Foundation of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Bologna; Representative of the University as a member of the Steering Committee of the eCircular Flagship Program, EIT Climate-KIC’s Loop Program; Co-director of the Master in “Public Management and Innovation” at Bologna Business School (BBS); President of “Agricultural Company of the University of Bologna”, President of the Bonomia University Press (BUP); Independent member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for the Study of Tumors “Dino Amadori” – IRST S.r.l., Institute of Hospital Care and Scientific Research.


The course illustrates the way in which the traits of Accountability systems in companies and public administrations have developed over time, providing participants with the theoretical interpretation keys for the processes underway, for the shared creation of Public Value, contextualizing the reference models and frameworks with practical applications, operational experiences and guided simulations on the topics dealt with during the course, also through presentations by experts coming from public administrations of excellence and private companies.

The Public Value Manager will be able to manage the accountability & citizen participation systems within the public companies and administrations, with a particular view of the recent development concerning the creation of Public Value and involvement of the stakeholders in the processes of co-production of social, economic, and environmental impacts, that are relevant from the perspective of sustainable development.