
Michela Milano
Italia Full professor of Intelligence Systems University of Bologna
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Prof. Michela Milano is full professor of Intelligent Systems at the University of Bologna. Her research activity covers methodologies and techniques for the design and development of decision support systems in several areas, including smart cities, policy making, industrial applications, and high performance computing. She is member of the executive committee of the Italian Association of Artificial Intelligence, board member of the European Association of Artificial Intelligence EurAI and Councilor of the Association for the Advancements of Artificial Intelligence AAAI. She has a broad research activity in the area of Artificial intelligence as demonstrated by over 160 publications in journals and international conferences. She is Editor in Chief of the Constraints Journal, Area Editor of INFORMS Journal on Computing and Constraint Programming Letters. Michela Milano has coordinated and participated in many national and EU-funded, FP7 and 2020, projects and has been the recipient for a Google Faculty Award in 2016 for the integration of deep learning techniques in combinatorial models. She has many collaborations and research projects with SME and big industrial players. She is co-founder of nthe university spin-off MindIT.