
Marco Marchegiani
CEO 16lab SRL Extended Faculty
Email contact

Ceo of 16lab srl and head of the Match school of theatrical improvisation Bologna, which organises courses and performances.
At Bologna Business School he is a lecturer in the EMBA, Adaptive Mindset module, in which he uses experiential techniques to enhance soft skills and the management of relational processes.
He is involved in experiential training and since 2000 has been using theatrical improvisation techniques in corporate contexts, developing individual and team growth paths. He has designed, devised and directed several corporate theatre formats for public and private organisations.
He holds a degree in political science and is an ICF-certified coach. An actor and teacher of theatre improvisation, he has participated in shows in Italy and abroad. He collaborates, among others, with Almacube, Alstom, Aeroporto di Bologna, Gruppo Montenegro S.p.A, Camst, Goglio, IMA Group, University of Bologna, Garc SpA, Bologna Welcome. Since having twins he has become an expert in adaptive mindset



Come funziona la nostra comunicazione quando ci relazioniamo con gli altri? Ne utilizziamo consapevolmente tutti i livelli o facciamo affidamento solo sull’aspetto verbale, dimenticandoci l’importanza del linguaggio del corpo e degli elementi legati al paraverbale? Siamo efficaci o andiamo in deficit cognitivo, prigionieri di convinzioni limitanti, paura e “performance anxiety”? Ci poniamo in apertura e ascolto, consapevoli del processo, o seguiamo schemi mentali e abitudini? Comprendere chi siamo e come possiamo gestire al meglio tutte le nostre abilità comunicativo relazionali è sempre più necessario e decisivo per entrare in “connessione” con gli interlocutori. Il modulo alterna parti teoriche con attività esperienziali, tra cui un training con l’improvvisazione, utile per prendere coscienza del proprio modo di stare di fronte a un pubblico (dal singolo individuo a un team di lavoro), e potenziare l’abilità di gestire sé stessi e di conseguenza gli altri, arricchendo in questo modo le nostre performance.

INSPIRATIONAL AND MOTIVATIONAL SESSIONS – Today, there is much talk about fluid organisations, referred to as ‘skill sets’. In addition to technical skills, skills such as flexibility, collaboration and integration, problem solving, creativity and innovative thinking, shared autonomy and widespread empowerment are always in demand.

To enhance these skills, training with improvisation, a creative and natural human act, is very useful. We improvise whenever faced with an unexpected input we give the best possible response in real time, drawing on our knowledge and activating our skills to the full.

With improvisation exercises we train ourselves to manage ourselves, at the level of thoughts, emotions and actions; to value the other, seeing him/her as a useful resource for the achievement of a common goal; to manage processes, beyond mental schemata, prejudices and cognitive deficits of ‘performance anxiety’.

In other words, improvisation training enables us to enhance our adaptive mindset, to know what to do even when we don’t know what to do.


Executive MBA