
Joe Zadeh
USA Distingued Research Fellow Bologna Business School Core Faculty

Zadeh’s career began after a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, and a Ph.D. in bioengineering from Caltech in Los Angeles-a truly unique combination of technical and scientific skills that led him to San Francisco, California Institute of Technology, where for six years he published several papers on the applications of mathematics and engineering to biology, developed algorithms for synthetic biology, and built a web-app ( dedicated to scientists.

After a brief stint as Senior Software Engineer for, he joined Airbnb in 2010, when the company was still a small start-up based in the founders’ loft in San Francisco, three rooms and nine people working there. Having become JoeBot to everyone, Zadeh’s expertise in technological innovation quickly made him an indispensable figure in the portal’s evolution.