Luigi Enrico

Italy Full Professor of Organization University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Visiting Faculty
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He is a Full Professor of Organization till november 2017 at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where he is currently adjunct professor of Organization (Departments of Economics and Engineering). At the University of Bologna he teaches in a two years post graduate course in Public management (SPISA) and in the Master in Human resources and organization (BBS) since 2000. His main professional and reasearch interests are Service management and Safety management. His latest publications: L’alta affidabilità organizzativa per la prevenzione dei rischi, (High reliability organization to prevent risks) (2020); Trasformazione digitale e organizzativa. Adottare una gestione efficiente 2021, Organizzazioni ad alta affidabilità. Gestire gli eventi inattesi; Imparare dalla gestione della crisi sanitaria,in Rebora G. (a cura di), Le sfide organizzative del PNRR (2022), The stakeholder management; the contribute of the organizational justice theory; Dal modello monodatoriale al multidtoriale. Come prevenire e gestire I rischi in azienda (2023), I modelli organizzativi per la prevenzione dei rischi in impresa. Il confront tra monodatorialità e multidatorialità. He has been member of the board of Directors of ATCM, the local public transport company of Modena (1999-2004) and partner of two management consultant firms, Faber (1989-2003) and System Logik (since 2013). Luigi Golzio graduated in Business Administration at the Bocconi University (1972) and received the International Teachers Program of Harvard University (1973). He is honorary member of WOA, the Italian Association of Organization Theory and HR Management Teachers.


The course introduces the logic, criteria and design variables of business organization (organizational design). The theme is addressed and discussed on a theoretical level, through the analysis of the contributions of the authors referenced, and empirically, through the discussion of business cases. In addition, in an interdisciplinary manner, the relationship between organizational design and some relevant organizational dimensions, such as learning and well-being are taught.

HR & Organization