
Alessandro Gaudenzi
Italy Industry Manager Google
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Alessandro Gaudenzi joined Google Ireland in 2009 as an account manager, and now he is industry manager in the retail vertical managing large customers for the italian market.  He has extensive experience in digital performance marketing; web analytics; programmatic advertising.


This course deals with the main decisions that have to be taken when advertising a business online: the tools used to advertise online, the different vendors of advertising, the different buying models for digital advertising space, the advertising targeting techniques and the most relevant KPIs to assess digital advertising performance.

The high volume of interrupting messages people are receiving daily (and nightly) makes extremely difficult to win consumer attention today more than in the past. For this reason brands need to communicate values, services and products they want to promote in the right moment and device people want and need, providing a real and tangible benefit to them. Technologies, today gives us this opportunity. A modern successful campaign is built not only on creativity and execution, but also on data, software and real-time operations that guarantee effective media buying and message customization. The course has the goal to highlight the key elements to design, create, manage and measure successful digital advertising campaigns.