
Raghuram Garud
USA Full Professor of Management and Organization Pennsylvania State University Visiting Faculty
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Raghu Garud is Alvin H. Clemens Professor of Management & Organization and the Research Director of the Farrell Center for Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Pennsylvania State University. Raghu’s research explores novelty emergence a theme around which he has co-edited a book under the aegis of the annual Process Organization Studies (PROS). Specifically, he explores how new ideas emerge, valued, and commercialized, offering concepts such as path creation, technology entrepreneurship and bricolage as a collective process. His NSF funded research explores how interlaced knowledge across scientists at ATLAS, CERN made it possible for a distributed collective to identify the Higgs boson particle. Another strand of research examines a paradox that entrepreneurial storytelling generates – how the very expectations set through projective stories to gain venture legitimacy can also serve as the source of future disappointments and loss of legitimacy.