
Andrea Galli
Co-Founder & Director Empatheia Extended Faculty
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Co-founder and director of Empatheia S.r.l, consultant of the Maggioli SpA Group and other professional training companies at national level. Since 2009 he has been a lecturer in the General Management Program and in other management training courses at BBS, after having taught for over 10 years in the MBA and other Profingest Masters. He has been involved in psychosocial training for over 40 years and for 25 in the corporate, private and public sectors, where he carries out training in the area of organizational behavior (with over 2,000 classroom days to his credit). From 1997 to 2002 he was management consultant for the Galgano Group in Milan. He also collaborated with the Department of Communication and Entertainment Sciences of the Università Cattolica of Milan. For many years he has also been involved in the design and organization of cultural events in the field of entertainment and was the artistic and organizational manager of numerous festivals and musical reviews in the Turin area. Currently, he is the president of the Valsusa Filmfest, a film festival that has been taking place for 25 years in the Susa Valley (TO). He is co-author, together with the actress Laura Curino, of the shows produced by Empatheia, Costruire ponti, scavalcare muri, esplorare altrove e “Camminando sul filo e dei testi del docufilm Noi siamo i figli della Monce: storia e storie di una fabbrica- paese del ‘900” directed by Luigi Cantore. He conducted university studies in Pedagogy with a specialization in Socio-cultural Animation Methodologies.